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No chickens but love the posts


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  • #16
    You are welcome to email her Headfry, I'll let you both know when they arrive.

    A'la PDSA you will receive photos and egg reports on a regular basis.
    Unlike the PDSA you will not be charged!

    The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


    • #17
      Thank you..I have silly grin on my face!


      • #18
        Gralic Butter
        Welcome to the Vine and I hope those three years pass quickly! you never know what will happen when you get an allotment, I don't live "up in the clouds" but I do live in a tiny flat without so much as a window box so getting an allotment has meant a huge change for me and I have to be dragged home almost kicking and screaming - after all I have to work sometimes. It has changed my life, from an indoor girl to one who wants to be outside all the time, who'd never grown anything other than dead houseplants into a beginner gardener and from never even having contemplated hens into a chicken keeper. A neighbour allotmenteer had hens at the bottom of my plot and it wasn't long before I wanted my own, the council allocated me an unused plot (oak tree roots!) and I cashed in some savings for a chicken pen and house and now have three lovely hens, Enid, Barbara and Dorothy. A wonderful bonus is how engaging they are, lovely creatures and defined personalities, they get on well together and I spend ages sitting in the hen run (which must look rather weird) watching and being sat on. They are on grass but have now eaten it all and I can't move their run until the end of the month when I will get help to move it all. Meanwhile I cut them loads of fresh grass and scatter dried mealworms in it and it's a joy to watch them rooting through it all, scattering grass all over the place in search of a tasty morsel. All this and eggs too.
        If you ever fancy a day out of London, I'm in Tunbridge Wells, only an hour by train, if you want to come and get some hen-time.
        best wishes


        • #19
          Sue Thank you. You really are lucky, cos as far as I understand it most Allotment sites do,nt allow the keeping of any live stock at all. But when I win the lottery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #20
            To Headfry and Garlic Butter,

            Have received confirmation that the hens are now available and I will be going to collect them on Thursday morning.

            'Rosemary' and 'Hettie' will be here soon!

            The weeks and the years are fine. It's the days I can't cope with!


            • #21
              hi gb, yes rastrick near here, I grew up in todmorden so it feels like i live in a big city now!
              rosemary is a lovley name, 1 of our ducks that the fox got was called rosemary, bless her, she was georgous! hope the new rosmary hen is just as cute.
              if you want a virtual duck i'll forward elsies vet bills. lol.
              Yo an' Bob
              Walk lightly on the earth
              take only what you need
              give all you can
              and your produce will be bountifull


              • #22
                oooooh Terry, thanks for the update! bet Garlic Butter is excited too!
                Drive careful now...'baby on board' sign maybe?......
                Last edited by Headfry; 09-05-2007, 08:44 AM.


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