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Dog attack


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  • #31
    How are things today??
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #32
      The missing hen returned and was waiting for me this morning, seemingly unhurt although I haven't been able to get near her to check. The tail-less cock is ok and pottering about. I am now looking at amalgamating what's left of these two groups of bantams with my other flock of bantams in the top field, just wondering how they will all fare together, as I will have to put three cocks together, but probably need to do it sooner rather than later as the tail-less one is normally quite feisty so while he is recovering and not so cocky might be a good time to get him integrated. As if I hadn't had enough killing for one day we also made the sad decision to cull our tiniest bantam who has been very lame for quite a few weeks and has not shown any sign of recovering. As I have lost almost all my best broodies I am now wondering how I am going to manage the hatching this Spring. I think my Orps are going to be very busy!


      • #33
        Originally posted by RichmondHens View Post
        Thanks for all your comments and support. Update is I found two more bodies so left with just one hen still missing (presumed dead). The hen in shock died but the traumatised cock despite being minus his tail did come out of the house for some corn so I think he will be ok. TBH it could have been a lot worse given the amount of birds here.

        Have had a tip off about the dogs as to where they might have come from so will be doing a bit of detective work over the next few days.
        I knew somebody somewhere would see and know something. Am very pleased on this news, but not the other Good luck with getting to the bottom of this RH!
        Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better...Albert Einstein

        Blog - @Twotheridge: For The Record - Sowing and Growing with a Virgin Veg Grower: Spring Has Now Sprung...Boing! http://vvgsowingandgrowing2012.blogs....html?spref=tw


        • #34
          So sad for you


          • #35
            Oh, just caught up with this! Horrible news - its the dog owners that need to be shot and banned from keeping animals. I'm amazed people can have dogs and are unable to keep them under control. Anyway, I hope things have settled down and you feel a little calmer today. Very upsetting for you though.


            • #36
              You poor thing. I hope your remaining birds settle OK with their new friends, and I'm so sorry to hear about the little lame one.. what timing . *hugs*
              sigpicGardening in France rocks!


              • #37
                Am new here, but am very sorry to hear what has happened ( hope that you & your birds are pulling through it. Not an easy task.

                Cyberhugs to you & yours


                • #38
                  So sorry to hear this sad news! i really hope you find the culprit and all your remaining chooks pull through!


                  • #39
                    This sounds horrific.

                    Sorry to hear such bad news.
                    Quanti canicula ille in fenestra ?


                    • #40
                      So sorry to hear your news. I now just how you feel as we had a dog attack a few years ago and it really is upsetting. I was amazed at the time how resilient hens are.
                      Hope you find who was responsible and the survivors are doing OK.
                      Gardening forever- housework whenever


                      • #41
                        No luck with culprits. Nothing more we can do unless owner is found, which now looks unlikely. Hens laying ok but cock looks a bit tatty. Only two feathers left of what was once his lovely tail but skin healed nicely and as he was the underdog to his uncle who was killed he is actually chuffed to have the two remaining hens all to himself! Remaining youngsters (1 cock three pullets) keeping themselves to themselves but all have got over the attack just fine.


                        • #42
                          So sorry to hear about this RH you must be gutted and so angry. I have so many cat attacks my birds are now in an aviary, not ideal as they like to be on grass but it saves all of us from trauma. If it helps, one of mine had horrific skin tears from a cat/dog attack and she healed just fine with daily flushing of hibiscrub. (she had antibiotics too but only because it suppurated. If you find yours quickly enought hey won't get to that stage hopefully). And its a bit trite to say, but at least we're coming up to hatching time again not the deep gloom of winter so thoughts can be more positive towards spring.


                          • #43
                            This kind of thing makes my blood boil, there are an unbelievable amount of dog owners that let their dogs run wild and don't give a crap what they get up to. I had dogs for 10 years and they never got out of the garden unless I was with them and then they were always on a lead.


                            • #44
                              oh how terrible. sorry about your poor chooks.


                              • #45
                                Guess what? Bloomin' dogs came back again on Monday! Fortunately I got to the chooks before they did although they had frightened a leghorn hen so badly she had crashed into a fence post and injured her face. No lasting damage though thank goodness. No sign of owners again, and they belted away across the fields towards the next village, a good mile away. I was desperate to see where they went but just couldn't keep up. Suspect they may have escaped from somewhere. Nothing I can do, but so frustrating. Am on constant dog watch now.


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