My bullied Speckled Sussex is now back to health and has as much feather and fluff as she will ever have back in situ. We have ordered a bio secure chicken unit that is being delivered at teh end of the month, so it is now or never for my bullying Welsummer. After several attempts where she has gone back to picking on Marge (my SS), this is last chance saloon. Renee (my W) has stopped egg eating, and is using rollaways, so one problem down one to go. Marge's weak spot has been covered today with: Vick, wound powder and then purple spray (wound powder only to attach itself to the vick, so we could spray the purple stuff over it too!)- and it appears (I say tentatively) to have worked. Renee tried to peck Marge and got a mouthful of vick/powder/purple and was almost sick, wiping her beak like a nutter on the floor - I laughed (mean, but true!). Obviously she has thought twice about doing this since.
Now I have just locked them in and they are all on their perch, and guess who Marge has snuggled up to - yep the bully Renee.
Hmmph she is as dull as a brush.
Anyway will post tomorrow, fingers crossed that this is on the way to being sorted, we dont want to have to part with her, although at least if we do, she isnt an egg eater anymore. She uses the rollaways (although they dont always roll away) and she hasnt eaten one in nearly two weeks, so maybe that habit is broken, and it was an accident the first time (optimism kicking in here)
Will post tomorrow, either happy cos its all working, or doing an expensive run to the vet.
Now I have just locked them in and they are all on their perch, and guess who Marge has snuggled up to - yep the bully Renee.
Hmmph she is as dull as a brush.
Anyway will post tomorrow, fingers crossed that this is on the way to being sorted, we dont want to have to part with her, although at least if we do, she isnt an egg eater anymore. She uses the rollaways (although they dont always roll away) and she hasnt eaten one in nearly two weeks, so maybe that habit is broken, and it was an accident the first time (optimism kicking in here)
Will post tomorrow, either happy cos its all working, or doing an expensive run to the vet.