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Soft eggs - continual


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  • Soft eggs - continual


    I gave three healthy looking Orpingtons. Two started laying at the turn of year with the last (which is a little younger starting more recently).

    They always lay in the two nets boxes they share, however I keep finding soft eggs (membrane only or more often very very thin shells). These are always found under their roosting area (and I am not sure but seem to be laid more often in evening whereas good eggs in morning).

    I try to get as much oyster shells in to them as possible and think they have a good diet (layers pellets with grain in evening). I have cut down how much treats I give them(veg/fruit) in case that was causing.

    I have read it could also be stress so going to find some of the vinegar stuff that is recommended.

    My real question, apart from any ideas on causes, is whether this is something I should be very worried about or is one of those things. I never had chickens before and so completely lack experience of such things,

    Thanks in advance for any responses.
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  • #2
    Oh, and I should have said. To begin with found maybe one a week but now finding a soft one every couple of days,

    I get one or two good eggs a day.


    • #3
      Are they both in good health? sneezes/snuffles?
      Are the moulting?

      As you say- lack of calcium is generally the cause- but they do need enough Vit D3 to absorb it ( sunshine). A small amount of cod liver oil,tuna ( not too much or the eggs will taste fishy) and feeding back some of the egg yolks cooked may help increase their D3 levels.

      I have one hen who has thin shells- and I tend to offer her broccoli and apricots to boost her calcium.
      Otherwise not many other treats.

      Have you checked for mites ,lice and fleas?

      ...Just a few thoughts!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        I would say the same as Nicos has advised, try a little cod liver oil and some ACV in the water. It's not unusual in young laying hens to start with a few soft shelled eggs especially early on in the season. I would also cut out all treats and make sure you are not giving too much corn.


        • #5
          Thanks, I will try the oil as well, there hasn't been a lot of sun. Also, the younger one I suspect may have the problem seems to like spending time in her roost so vIt d could be the one,

          I don't think I have any issues with mites, liceor fleas. I had a goof look at chicks and in their coop but not noticed any?


          • #6
            Just keep an eye on her then, although most of mine are staying in the shed for a warm today. Have you wormed them? Ground up egg shells can also be given, sometimes they will eat them in preference to oyster shell.


            • #7
              Yes, but was a few weeks ago so will worm them again (got something I put I'm their water for a few days every month or so). I will go and get some cold liver oil a AVC!

              Also, sorry for stupid question but how much is too much grain. I put a bowl of it out about 4-6 pm and let them eat as much as they want? I thought they key was just not to give them it during the day (or they would not eat their pellets).

              I may also give them too much treats still (i view them as pets more than livestock) may hold off for a few days and see if helps!


              • #8
                Ah! When my kids are home on school holidays my chickens get fed too many treats. It's like given kids chocolate- it really isn't that good for them! A handful of corn thrown out for them to peck at is enough. You've got a lovely set up and they are on grass, that's more than a treat.


                • #9
                  Sorry, just read your post again. What are you using to worm. Flubenvet is the one to use.


                  • #10
                    It's just called chicken wormwood and I put quite a lot of drops in their water for a few days running each month? If other one is better I will get that though.

                    And poor chickens will get rationed grain and a break from treats!


                    • #11
                      They'll live, honest!
                      I've never heard of wormwood and presume its s herbal preventative. I use ACV in their water for this. Flubenvet is a dewormer not just a preventative and is safe to use on chickens and there is no egg withdrawal. You should be able to buy it at your vets, online or at your nearest agricultural store.
                      Last edited by Scarlet; 26-03-2013, 05:43 PM.


                      • #12
                        Good to see you are being as 'natural' as poss with your gals...but......

                        Chicken wormwood is a QUOTE... "Intestinal Parasite Repellent"

                        If they have worms it's highly unlikely to kill all the worms off. Better than nothing- but not 100%.
                        I'm happy with natural remedies...until there are problems, and then I look to something with a 'cure'.
                        I too use Flubenvet- it's really good.
                        As Scarlet egg withdrawal at all.

                        The only treats I give our gals are veg peelings- cooked.
                        On the very cold mornings they get warm porridge with crushed egg shell and vitamins and a slosh of oil..
                        It's very warming- and can send the odd one broody

                        Let us know how you get on.
                        My gut feeling is that they are young...some lay double yolkers- and some shell-less eggs

                        Don't get too worried about them-I'd feed the eggs back to them ( cooked)..and if they appear healthy once you have done all your checks, just let 'em get on with maturing!

                        ( famous last words????)
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • #13
                          Thanks for all the help, will see how they go on new regime for a few days and report back!


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