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Chicken run/cage and greenhouse


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  • Chicken run/cage and greenhouse


    Sorry, it is becoming the daily Caldan query thread. i hope i am not testing peoples patience!

    .....but, based on some excellent advice from other questions on this site I have decided to build the following:

    A walk-inchicken run/cage over a reasonable sized concreted area. One side (length) will just be permanent (and new) fencing panels (planning on putting that up this weekend) as fence with neighbour. One side (width) will be greenhouse (6 by 6),

    I plan on using fencing posts to make rest of shape. Found cool little 'bolt on' to fix fencing posts to concrete which looks really straightforward. The put some type of wood to link posts (top and bottom) and make frame. I will then cover (inc. over top) with some form of wire(?) and add a gate.

    I have been searching the Internet but wondered if anyone is aware of plans for something similar I could adapt? I have been looking but seems to be wide variance on recommendations of type of wire you need. I need it to be fox proof but don't want to over spec and waste cash. I live in a village though so there are foxes around.

    Also, how do you incorporate the greenhouse, I thought I could just install and then put a fence post at each corner and do it that way? And is there rules for the maximum distance the fence posts can be apart I.e. area to stretch wire? And do you make a gate or can you buy one?

    Sorry, as you can see never tried a DIY project this size before. Key is want to work well (keep out foxes and nice area for chickens) but also look good. So for example plan in buying and staining all the wood so matches another garden structure.

    I have a small coop (see pic). And so plan on just putting inside rather than incorporate in build. So gate will have to be big enough I can take out and in (not sure why I would but seems sensible to be able to). I plan on taking the small run off the house to create a little shelter area for them (run) and can put the house near the gate. Be easier to clean if they separated.

    Well that's the plan - and views/advice would be very welcome,
    Attached Files

  • #2
    ...or even better if anyone has a similar set-up and could post a pic

    I have noted lots of people use panels, but I don't really understand why? Isn't it easier just to put in fence posts and attach the wire to that?

    Also I am thinking of making a slight slope on roof and adding a cover, would mean I could add a water butt and use the water instead of drowning the poor chickens with the weather we have been having
    Last edited by Caldan; 29-03-2013, 08:05 AM.


    • #3
      Any thing like this?
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Very nice


        • #5
          Mikey has bullt similar run too, but from scratch rather than using greenhouse as a base. His run is next to his green house and being the same shape, it ties in nicely.. I think that there's pictures in the run/coop thread..?


          • #6
            Actually, it wasn't - here's the thread:


            • #7
              Thanks for this, still in design phase (as having to fix other stuff first) so this is really helpful


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