We lost a chicken to suspected egg peritonitis and bought two POL pullets. breeder said to separate them for jut one day, and now the older one has viciously attacked the youngest. Oddly the other new one has started to lay straight away so not bothering her do much - today attacked new one so badly, no one has laid and bird has massive wound behind her head - google says birds are great at healing.
Do I need to buy anything for the wound, or just keep clean?
I took victim out for an hour, but put her back with other new one in separate part of run.
Will anti peck powder work? Should I keep them separate u til wound healed?
Do I need to buy anything for the wound, or just keep clean?
I took victim out for an hour, but put her back with other new one in separate part of run.
Will anti peck powder work? Should I keep them separate u til wound healed?