It's my turn to have a poorly chook peeps
One of my gals was hatched Easter weekend and has been laying for a while with no problems.
This afternoon we noticed the other gals were picking on her whilst she hid behind an upturned paving slab.
An hour late we spotted her lying in the coop with both legs extended backwards and both wings held out sideways. She seemed to be panting- but we couldn't hear any bubbles with her breathing.
Her vent was partly open so I scrubbed up and gently had a feel and there was an egg literally stuck to one side of her 'tube'. With gentle wobbling and going around the outside of her egg it came loose and she pushed it out.
Normal size- not broken but backed up with poo.
We put her into a laying box with a broody - to keep the other chooks away and she's now there looking much the same - and utterly exhausted.
She's not interested in food or water.
The whole flock have been eating ripe black elderberries which seem questionable as to their toxicity.
As I've had no problems in 5 years with them eating elderberries, I'm now really confused what to do with our lovely young gal.
Leaving her in a quiet place seems to be the most minimal thing I can do now her egg has been laid.
I hope she survives the night- but what else can anyone else suggest please???

One of my gals was hatched Easter weekend and has been laying for a while with no problems.
This afternoon we noticed the other gals were picking on her whilst she hid behind an upturned paving slab.
An hour late we spotted her lying in the coop with both legs extended backwards and both wings held out sideways. She seemed to be panting- but we couldn't hear any bubbles with her breathing.
Her vent was partly open so I scrubbed up and gently had a feel and there was an egg literally stuck to one side of her 'tube'. With gentle wobbling and going around the outside of her egg it came loose and she pushed it out.
Normal size- not broken but backed up with poo.
We put her into a laying box with a broody - to keep the other chooks away and she's now there looking much the same - and utterly exhausted.
She's not interested in food or water.
The whole flock have been eating ripe black elderberries which seem questionable as to their toxicity.
As I've had no problems in 5 years with them eating elderberries, I'm now really confused what to do with our lovely young gal.
Leaving her in a quiet place seems to be the most minimal thing I can do now her egg has been laid.
I hope she survives the night- but what else can anyone else suggest please???