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Very sick chick - please can you help?


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  • Very sick chick - please can you help?


    After all our 'issues' (challenges!) with chickens, we decided to get some more!

    Last Thursday we bought a POL Buff Orpington - she is fine, as is the 10 week old Light Sussex. We also bought at the same time a 6 -7 week old Cream Legbar. She is now very poorly.

    She was fine Thursday and Friday, yesterday I went into her pen (she was with the LS), and there was blood in her motions, it was like gel and over the morning, I tried to find a vet in South Wales that would deal with a chicken (unbeliveably didnt have any luck). So I looked on the net, and think it looks like Cecal Cocodioss (sorry for spelling mistakes) - the best I could get yesterday was no real advice, but to get some medicated chick crumb which she did eat. We separated her from the LS who seems to be fine.

    This morning I found she had done lots of bloody motions overnight, and took her to the emergency vet nearby who (when I phoned) said they had a vet who dealt with birds, of course when I got there after waiting 45 mins after my appointed time, was told by the vet he didnt deal with birds. Arrrgh!!

    So £50 poorer, and a general antibiotic jab later, she is now on a soft vet bed in a box with water and chick crumb She has had a drink, but is not eating and I know if she doesnt eat it isnt good, but how do you make them eat. The vet said he wouldnt give her the CC antibiotic cos if she hasnt got that then it is worse than giving her a general antibiotic when she has got it? I suppose I can see what he is saying although have to say do not feel very reassured at all.

    Can anyone give me any tips advice at all?? What should I be looking for.

    One minute she is hunched up and eyes shut, just now I can hear OH talking to her, cos shes jumped up on the edge of her box, perched and squawking!

    I was crying my eyes out in the vet, I am really not cut out for this side of chicken keeping. I know they are pretty worthless in terms of the value of their lives are cheap (not a cheap joke either!) It seems that you can just despatch and get another. However I have been holding and keeping warm this little critter for 36 hours and dont want to let her go.

    I know, I probably need to toughen up.......

    Any advice or help (other than 'toughen up and get over it'!) very welcome!!

    Thanks again
    8 chickens, 1 Whippet and a small garden

  • #2
    Daisy how sad! I know exactly how you feel! you need to find a vet that does farm animals, they will have somone there who does chooks. I would just keep her warm and loved tonight and her in for a test in the morning, but prepare for the worst, chickens dont show weakness unless they are really sick, good luck, sending healing thoughts.
    p.s. ring your local breader for help with finding a vet.
    Yo an' Bob
    Walk lightly on the earth
    take only what you need
    give all you can
    and your produce will be bountifull


    • #3
      Hi Daisychook

      Chickens can bring so much pleasure, but there is always the other side of the coin.

      You could try Coxoid which can be used for the treatment of this and can be obtained on the net or if you're lucky a local agricultrual supplier. This is one for your chook medicine cabinet.

      It's difficult when your birds are ill because there is so little you can do, but don't give up on chickens becasue of this.
      Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


      • #4

        Thank you yoanbob and ChrisB for your kind words

        I have finally this pm found a vet around 30 miles away that is a farm vet, so will speak to them in the morning. Well, the chick has finally had a drink, and is now not willing to stay in her box to the extent she jumped out and I found her on our stairs squawking her head off. She will not settle in the box, only if you hold her - (is this because of the human/physical contact?!) so now me and OH are taking turns between having tea and doing the ironing!

        Maybe this is a good sign, perhaps just the calm (or squawk) before it all gets worse, but I am not giving up yet. Oh whoops she has also just done a pea sized poop that looks normal with a tiny bit of dark brown gel and the white bit too, rather than the blood gel watery stuff that has been forthcoming.

        As an aside, is there a thread for what you should (and can have) in your chook medicine cabinet. We have only had chooks since last August, and it is such a vast learning curve, I assume you have to go to a vet (if you can find a chook vet) for everything, but if I can get stuff in, that would be great, I would have gone anywhere for the coxoid stuff yesterday, but didnt have a clue where to go!!!!

        Again any advice whould be gratefully received. especially on the issue of whether it is bad to give coxoid if I havent got a firm diagnosis - unless the vet was just being incredibly cautious?? Thanks again xxx
        Last edited by daisychook; 03-06-2007, 07:07 PM. Reason: Extra question
        8 chickens, 1 Whippet and a small garden


        • #5
          please go to, they should be able to give you loads of advice


          • #6
            I hope your girl gets better - ours give us so much pleasure, it's one thing to lose one to Charlie-Fox, but another to sit and watch them deteriorate and have problems trying to find help....

            I hope it all turns out for the best - Adrienne
            How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.”


            • #7
              Keep us posted on how things go
              Save the earth - it's the only planet with chocolate


              • #8
                Update - Poorly Chick

                Been crying constantly all night, only settles when you pick her up. Tried to get her to drink, a loose crumb fell in her bowl and she flew for it.

                So thought would mix medicated crumb and water and see what happens, and hey she has been constantly eating for the last 40 minutes!! Has done another poo (sorry TMI!) and it is almost normal, with v dark brown gel, rather than bloody water that was this morning.

                She must be exhausted, but is still trying to get out of her box and back on my shoulder as I am typing this.

                Maybe she has a fighting chance. I want to think if she wasnt going to make it she wouldnt be this feisty?!?

                Did post on PP forum too as suggested by Sunbeam and the concensus seems to be to treat with Coxoid anyway. Drat, just done another poo, more blood. Arrrgh! she is now sitting on my computer!!!

                She is such a cutie and I am attached already. Not cut out for chickens am I???!!!!!

                With update you tomorrow, any additional advice always welcome, thank you all.
                8 chickens, 1 Whippet and a small garden


                • #9
                  dont forget daisy she is a social animal, being without her fellow chooks will be very distressing, being near you will be a subsitute but not as good as a chook, as soon as you know weather she will infect the others or not let her go back, in the meantime be a chook. she will be upset and distressed on top of being ill so just be patient, when ours had to come inside, we kept them in a cat carry box with straw in the bottom and access to water and food, in the same room as us they can hear and see us, at bed time cover the box and they calm right down.
                  Yo an' Bob
                  Walk lightly on the earth
                  take only what you need
                  give all you can
                  and your produce will be bountifull


                  • #10
                    Hi Daisy, Big hug for you! I am willing her to get better for you!
                    I hope all turns out ok, please keep us posted!


                    • #11
                      Have you thought about contacting the person you got her from? Whatever it is that's wrong with her could also be affecting their birds- and they can advise you on what else you can do?
                      Hope to hear some good news from you soon!
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • #12
                        Daisy - sorry I cant give any advice, dont know the first thing about chickens, but for what its worth I'm sending a virtual hug and lots of support vibes through the net. Animals of any type become precious to us, I can imagine how you must be feeling. Take care, and let us know how the chook is.
                        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


                        • #13
                          Hi Daisy
                          As a first time chook owner I wouldn't have had a clue what was wrong but I really hope she rallies and recovers well. I would be gutted if any of my girls got that poorly.
                          Best wishes to you all.
                          Kirsty b xx


                          • #14
                            Hi daisychook, hope your hen is feeling better - it's terrible to see her like that. Don't feel bad for not being 'tough enough' - all life is precious (except for that midge I squished yesterday ) and especially when you have animals in your care, you're bound to feel bad when they're ill. From some of the people I've spoken to, sometimes it seems like chickens will invent new ways to die. Not a nice thought, but it looks like you're doing all you can to get your hen better, so take heart and don't let a bad experience put you off keeping hens, they are such good value in so many ways.

                            All the best, and keep us updated...

                            Dwell simply ~ love richly


                            • #15
                              hope all is ok daisy, thing of you.
                              Yo an' Bob
                              Walk lightly on the earth
                              take only what you need
                              give all you can
                              and your produce will be bountifull


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