Hi, we have just got ourselves four chicks from the local nursery, they are growing so fast, and are between 17-20 days old.
We have got the run and coop sorted and I am pretty confident they are going to love it, and that we have sourced all the extras to keep our chooks clean and happy.
Now I need some help on basic health care, worming, when should I first administer and how often? Advise please on things like red mite and other chicken vaccinations/prevention from illnesses?? Please, all advice appreciated - feeling overwhelmed with it all.
And do I really need to register my ickle little flock?
Thank you, Taz.
We have got the run and coop sorted and I am pretty confident they are going to love it, and that we have sourced all the extras to keep our chooks clean and happy.
Now I need some help on basic health care, worming, when should I first administer and how often? Advise please on things like red mite and other chicken vaccinations/prevention from illnesses?? Please, all advice appreciated - feeling overwhelmed with it all.

And do I really need to register my ickle little flock?
Thank you, Taz.
