I've no idea what's wrong with her
I thought she'd gone broody and have gone out this morning to collect the eggs to find her quite lethargic and not looking good. She has lost weight and seems to have lost a lot of her feathers and is looking in quite a sorry state. I can't seem to find any feathers so not sure where they've gone!
The other two ladies seem fine with good appetites and no sign of red mite.
I pop a vitamin supplement in their water every now and again and change all their bedding over once a week with a new dosing of red mite powder or bio dry.
Any ideas? She's usually such a vocal thing it's quite heartbreaking to see her poorly.
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I thought she'd gone broody and have gone out this morning to collect the eggs to find her quite lethargic and not looking good. She has lost weight and seems to have lost a lot of her feathers and is looking in quite a sorry state. I can't seem to find any feathers so not sure where they've gone!
The other two ladies seem fine with good appetites and no sign of red mite.
I pop a vitamin supplement in their water every now and again and change all their bedding over once a week with a new dosing of red mite powder or bio dry.
Any ideas? She's usually such a vocal thing it's quite heartbreaking to see her poorly.
Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum mobile app