Hi guys, I've looked through pages of chicken questions, all similar, but still haven't found an answer to my question.
Simply my hens have stopped laying. We've had them about 3 months now, 4 Warrens.
Firstly we got 2-3 a day, some days four, but averaged at 3. We got them at point of lay.
I clean them out every day and change the paper under their roosts.
I clean out the wood shavings that they lay in every couple of weeks, but always check it for insect activity and fluff it up to make sure it's comfortable for them.
They are all eating (layers pellets and mixed corn) and any weeds or plants from the garden (perpetual spinach, turnip and radish leaves, bits of couch grass stalks sticky buds, fat hen, rosebay willow herb). They have clean water daily, every other week I add a drop of cider apple vinegar to the water for a week or so. I pop in the occasional treats - corn flakes or water melon or a fat ball, everything gets gobbled up. None of them look ill, they are all chatty and busy and nosey.
I cleaned out their entire coop and run and used the spray for red mite in there, just in case we had (not seen any though)
Any ideas anyone, I've had to go and buy eggs for the first time since we've got them.
Any thoughts at all will be considered and appreciated
Simply my hens have stopped laying. We've had them about 3 months now, 4 Warrens.
Firstly we got 2-3 a day, some days four, but averaged at 3. We got them at point of lay.
I clean them out every day and change the paper under their roosts.
I clean out the wood shavings that they lay in every couple of weeks, but always check it for insect activity and fluff it up to make sure it's comfortable for them.
They are all eating (layers pellets and mixed corn) and any weeds or plants from the garden (perpetual spinach, turnip and radish leaves, bits of couch grass stalks sticky buds, fat hen, rosebay willow herb). They have clean water daily, every other week I add a drop of cider apple vinegar to the water for a week or so. I pop in the occasional treats - corn flakes or water melon or a fat ball, everything gets gobbled up. None of them look ill, they are all chatty and busy and nosey.
I cleaned out their entire coop and run and used the spray for red mite in there, just in case we had (not seen any though)
Any ideas anyone, I've had to go and buy eggs for the first time since we've got them.
Any thoughts at all will be considered and appreciated
