Lately next door's cat has started stalking our chooks. He's a young cat, obviously finding his feet and aggressive streak. Anytime we spot him, things get thrown to chase him off. Thankfully the girls have started ganging up to chase him off. Plans are afoot to erect proper fencing between us and next door to keep him out. 
However, on Saturday night I heard agitated chooks, and came out to find the cat running off, lots of feathers, and an injured hen. Violet had been a little under the weather for a week or so, we had been keeping an eye on her and she was coming around. Obviously she wasn't fast enough to get away, and the cat had pulled her tail feathers off, and removed a strip of skin from next to her tail perhaps two inches long by half an inch wide.
Took her inside, she was a bit shaken up but seemed alert. There wasn't much blood, just around the edge of the wound. Bathed it with some warm water, patted dry, applied a little sterilising solution, and rubbed on some manuka honey. She seemed content enough, left her in the darkened bathroom for half an hour with a nest box and water to settle down. Went back in, she clucked her usual greeting at me, so decided to put her back out with her friends for the night.
We are keeping the wound clean, and keeping her isolated in a small run during the day in case a) the cat comes back, and b) the other hens decide to attack her. The rest are free range, when we let her out with the rest, she sits in the flowerbed (her favourite spot), and the rest seem to take it in shifts to sit with her. Even when she's separated in the run, one or two will wander over for a chat and a sit down.
She's eating and drinking perfectly well, but she must be in discomfort - I know I would be. The vet said just to continue doing what we are doing, but is there anything more we can do? Pain relief? Any special medications or wound treatment for chickens? She's a lovely little creature, and we want to do the best for her.
It's amazing how they get under your skin...

However, on Saturday night I heard agitated chooks, and came out to find the cat running off, lots of feathers, and an injured hen. Violet had been a little under the weather for a week or so, we had been keeping an eye on her and she was coming around. Obviously she wasn't fast enough to get away, and the cat had pulled her tail feathers off, and removed a strip of skin from next to her tail perhaps two inches long by half an inch wide.
Took her inside, she was a bit shaken up but seemed alert. There wasn't much blood, just around the edge of the wound. Bathed it with some warm water, patted dry, applied a little sterilising solution, and rubbed on some manuka honey. She seemed content enough, left her in the darkened bathroom for half an hour with a nest box and water to settle down. Went back in, she clucked her usual greeting at me, so decided to put her back out with her friends for the night.
We are keeping the wound clean, and keeping her isolated in a small run during the day in case a) the cat comes back, and b) the other hens decide to attack her. The rest are free range, when we let her out with the rest, she sits in the flowerbed (her favourite spot), and the rest seem to take it in shifts to sit with her. Even when she's separated in the run, one or two will wander over for a chat and a sit down.
She's eating and drinking perfectly well, but she must be in discomfort - I know I would be. The vet said just to continue doing what we are doing, but is there anything more we can do? Pain relief? Any special medications or wound treatment for chickens? She's a lovely little creature, and we want to do the best for her.
It's amazing how they get under your skin...
