Hi all
I�ve converted an old Wendy house into my new chicken coop. It�s 3� -6� x 5� x 5� (to the apex) and the girls roost on a shelf on the left hand side, by the window (see photo). It�s a lot bigger than the old coop and my concern is only now having four chooks, will they be warm enough when the winter finally decides to turn up. I�ve picked up a 12 inch dia heat lamp and was thinking of putting in a 250 watt infra red lamp in and fixing it in the apex of the coop to take try and the chill out of it. I was going to put it on a timer over night. Would the light bother them as I�ve seen no light heat lamps as an alternative. What does everyone think?
I�ve converted an old Wendy house into my new chicken coop. It�s 3� -6� x 5� x 5� (to the apex) and the girls roost on a shelf on the left hand side, by the window (see photo). It�s a lot bigger than the old coop and my concern is only now having four chooks, will they be warm enough when the winter finally decides to turn up. I�ve picked up a 12 inch dia heat lamp and was thinking of putting in a 250 watt infra red lamp in and fixing it in the apex of the coop to take try and the chill out of it. I was going to put it on a timer over night. Would the light bother them as I�ve seen no light heat lamps as an alternative. What does everyone think?