Hi there
This is my first posting on the Grapevine! I keep chickens - 2 who live in the trees & roam around the garden & 3 battery rescue girls. The Battery Pack are living in a converted dog kennel on a bed of wood shavings & I have been told their poo makes fantastic fertiliser & have noticed it can bought in pellet form- can I add the fresh stuff to my compost heap?? I assume if I did I'd have to sort it out of the wood shavings??
This is my first posting on the Grapevine! I keep chickens - 2 who live in the trees & roam around the garden & 3 battery rescue girls. The Battery Pack are living in a converted dog kennel on a bed of wood shavings & I have been told their poo makes fantastic fertiliser & have noticed it can bought in pellet form- can I add the fresh stuff to my compost heap?? I assume if I did I'd have to sort it out of the wood shavings??
