.................and she's sitting on what i hope are 6 fertile eggs!
I've hatched chicks before in the incubator then put a heat lamp on them to bring them on. I've never used a broody before so this is a complete new learning experience for me!
This broody is quite old and she seems to go broody at the drop of a hat. (She must have went broody about 10 times in the last couple of years)In the past I've always chucked her off the eggs but she's always been persistent, actually drawing blood a couple of times!
Well now she's got her chance, and I'll see how she does!
She's been sitting since Monday gone after a false start on Sunday.

I've hatched chicks before in the incubator then put a heat lamp on them to bring them on. I've never used a broody before so this is a complete new learning experience for me!

This broody is quite old and she seems to go broody at the drop of a hat. (She must have went broody about 10 times in the last couple of years)In the past I've always chucked her off the eggs but she's always been persistent, actually drawing blood a couple of times!

Well now she's got her chance, and I'll see how she does!
