It seems that some people can do whatever they want in their council houses and others go by the book ask permissions sector etc and get refused. It seems tenants that have been with the council for a long time pretty much do what they like, while newer tenants go by the book and try and do things properly. We've been in ours just over three years now. We've had to get permissions for everything, from putting up sheds, decking, laying gravel, new fences etc. They can really be sticklers, depends who you get on the phone or on an on site visit. Lots of jobsworths. We've applied for and been granted permission for everything (fences, sheds, decking, gravel ways) but I just got some chickens and a coop and run and didn't ask. We've had council workers doing roof works, guttering etc since we lived here. They've all commented on how lovely the garden is, complimenting flowers veg etc. One gang even left me some scaffolding planks as they'd noticed some of mine were battered (made decking with them) none of them mentioned the noisy chickens or reported them to higher up. I guess it's just luck of the draw and also plenty of cups of tea and biscuits and cake when they come round! Also, I think, they've seen some awfully abused, smelly disgusting council houses, and it makes them glad when they come to one that's being well cared for and the gardens tended. So they don't mind a couple of birds. Hope I haven't rambled on too much
