Oh bless my hubby - he is so good - he is constructing a new moveable chicken house/run for me! Well, not actually for me but for my girls
Will hopefully get a series of "work-in-progress" photos starting tomorrow. At the moment they are housed in a monstrosity of a chicken house/pen that our Spanish neighbours built. It is a bu**er to move as it is enormous!!!!!!! We will be dividing the chickens up between us (not into joints I hasten to add) and going our separate ways with them. We have been sharing the chickens cost and eggs for the last 3 years. Our neighbour wants to benefit from the manure that they give. At the moment I do all the work and I have all the manure - simples! watch this space................. cluck
Photos now added
More photos to add - hold on.......

Photos now added

More photos to add - hold on.......