Finally after spending ages persuading the OH to add a few more ladies to the gang he has agreed, well i do not know if agreed or told i am getting them if you like it or not 
We have not had a single egg off our original ladies for over a month now and they normally lay year round, so thought they are over the age of 3, they must have just stopped for the winter. Well i went and saved 4 new ladies, it was horrible the way the chicken man grabbed them by the wing dragged them out of their shoe box!! crammed with 4 others and held them upside down and stuffed them into a tiny box
i said a few words but what else could i do its the norm out here, at least i have brought them to have a wonderful life with us from now on.
Well we have a massive area fenced off for the ladies and next to it another very reasonable sized fenced off area, so i have put them in there so they can get used to each other from either side of the chicken wire fence, well guess what i found!!!! in a over grown area.............a massive nest of about 30 eggs, damn those ladies i have been buying eggs and brought home 6 today, so now inundated with eggs, and now have 9 ladies.
They are very scared, but they will soon get used to us
apart from their beaks being cut far too much they are actually looking really healthy.
So introducing Blanca, Blanco and i do not want to tell you what the OH wants to call the other 2

We have not had a single egg off our original ladies for over a month now and they normally lay year round, so thought they are over the age of 3, they must have just stopped for the winter. Well i went and saved 4 new ladies, it was horrible the way the chicken man grabbed them by the wing dragged them out of their shoe box!! crammed with 4 others and held them upside down and stuffed them into a tiny box

Well we have a massive area fenced off for the ladies and next to it another very reasonable sized fenced off area, so i have put them in there so they can get used to each other from either side of the chicken wire fence, well guess what i found!!!! in a over grown area.............a massive nest of about 30 eggs, damn those ladies i have been buying eggs and brought home 6 today, so now inundated with eggs, and now have 9 ladies.
They are very scared, but they will soon get used to us

So introducing Blanca, Blanco and i do not want to tell you what the OH wants to call the other 2
