This is one of my fairly new hens, Desdemona. I can't remember what type of hen she is, but just wondered if anyone else has a black hen like this one?
Basically she is completely batty, if I sit down she immediately swoops on to my lap and looks at me with her mad rolling eye
yesterday I walked into the hen run holding a large jug of water and a bowl of food and she soared through the air, perched on the edge of the bowl with an iron grip causing me to spill food and water over the other four hens while she clung on and frantically gobbled up pellets.
I love her really, just curious to know if its just her individual personality or are all her breed like that. This is beautiful Desdemona sitting on my knee
Basically she is completely batty, if I sit down she immediately swoops on to my lap and looks at me with her mad rolling eye

I love her really, just curious to know if its just her individual personality or are all her breed like that. This is beautiful Desdemona sitting on my knee
