I am very new to keeping chickens (two moved in last Wednesday) and I am still at the stage where, when they do something new I worry about it.
They live in an eglu and still not wanting a fuss at the moment. Each morning one of the ladies knocks on the eglu to be let out, she also has a habit of tapping on the tarpaulin that covers part of the run.
One of them has a case of occasional diarrhea. Is this something to worry about? Also I have read a lot of books before getting our ladies but I haven't read anywhere about just how much poo they actually do. Theres loads!
I didn't know there was going to be sooo much. Has anyone got any hints on how to clean the eglu run when its on grass as its not exactly human friendly to get in there (kneeling in something squishy
Please can some one please reassure me that this is all okay.
They live in an eglu and still not wanting a fuss at the moment. Each morning one of the ladies knocks on the eglu to be let out, she also has a habit of tapping on the tarpaulin that covers part of the run.
One of them has a case of occasional diarrhea. Is this something to worry about? Also I have read a lot of books before getting our ladies but I haven't read anywhere about just how much poo they actually do. Theres loads!

Please can some one please reassure me that this is all okay.