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Advice for new chicken coop


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  • #16
    I’m going to do it. I was thinking a large permanent enclosed run with chicken house inside. I need it fox proofed. I’ve seen a fox in my driveway a couple of times this winter on cold frosty evenings. I would just have to deal with the mud.
    I’m still working with a couple of very early starts per week but I have some offspring still at home who could open the hatch in the mornings when I’m not there.using a lot of eggs totally not a problem.
    Letting hens out for a wee wander might be an idea but I have a dog who is easily cowed so they would need supervised.
    It’s not about the money.... I know the figures wouldn’t add up but I am thinking of it more as a hobby.


    • #17
      I'm thinking former battery hens too. For one thing the conditions I could give them would have to be better than they had before, and secondly it would allow me to have a try at keeping hens to see how it went without spending a lot - its mainly just my time to make the coop that is in short supply at the moment.


      • #18
        I believe you can buy an automatic door open/close mechanism for a coop.

        I live in a very rural area, but I'm going to go for a movable coop/run set-up all built together on an A-frame design, as I want to keep moving it around under my fruit trees. (Plenty of photos of what others use on the Web to get inspirations from)


        • #19
          I share the concerns about the quality of life of commercial free range hens. There are a few videos available and these hens are NOT happily scratching around in a farmyard.
          I am hoping I could get to grips with redmite prevention. I�ve a lot of experience of debugging my own children in their primary school years.
          I do have a bit of an allergy to some types of insect bites and am hoping sensible protective clothing and a prevention regime would keep me bite free.
          I�ll be easy to spot- I�m the one in the space suit.


          • #20
            Battery Hens are Hybrid Hens that have just came to the end of their most productive laying. They are the Isa Brown / Black Tail hens of this world (RIR / Light Sussex breeding. Fully Vaccinated etc. They have over half their egg laying life ahead of them once they have fully recovered and feathered back up.

            One advantage for many is that because they are slightly less productive, (a few ex Batt hens will produce less eggs than the same number of POL hybrid pullets) you can have more hens to keep each other company.

            Keep on top of the lice and you'll have a problem (scratch) free life

            Don't get less than 3
            Last edited by 4Shoes; 24-02-2018, 03:41 PM. Reason: didn't read right


            • #21
              Re Point of Lay (POL) hens or ex commercial. I've done both. With POL you have an extra year of eggs from the hens than with the rehomed ones. 2 of my 3 are rescues but they didn't look much different to the POLs. They've laid most days this year - one is having a rest as is the original one who was bought as POL. They're all incredibly friendly and get on well with the dogs.
              I'll have rescues again.


              • #22
                I have a contact in donaghcloney who will sell you very good point of lay wee brown hens for �5 each if you need one.

                What is essential for kerping hens of course is a bird swing... Click image for larger version

Name:	20180224_100005-756x1008.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	385.1 KB
ID:	2376585
                Last edited by Bacchus; 24-02-2018, 05:43 PM.


                • #23
                  I really like your set up there Bacchus. It pretty well exactly what I had in mind. And the pavement slabs presumably to stop fox digging in.
                  Simple brown hens are all I want. Maybe some day go for something more of specific breed. And that’s not as expensive as I was thinking. I went to a few local poultry fairs and they were more than that.
                  I like the run. Is that something you made yourself and if not where could I get something similar? We were pacing out the area for a potential run today and are thinking of similar size.
                  I like the hen swing. Do they really use that?


                  • #24
                    My wife bought the swing as a bit of a laugh only yesterday. I've heard the hens discussing it but no takers as yet.

                    The large cage came from ebay. Its was about �230 delivered or so... i think... which is really good value.

                    Edit... Apparently the hens were �6.50 each. Ive just been reminded...

                    And yes the blocks are to stop foxes or rats.
                    Last edited by Bacchus; 24-02-2018, 07:57 PM.


                    • #25
                      I was lying in bed last night reading a book ~ Chicken Coops For The Soul by Julia Hollander, bought for pennies on Amazon ~ and she was talking about coops. She mentioned the Eglu (which I think are so ugly and over-priced) and then mentioned a plastic coop which was cheaper from a company called Solway Recycling. So I quickly googled them on my phone and they don't look too bad at all! Recycled plastic, nice sizes, last approx 30 years etc....I may be saving up my pennies - what do you think? Any good? There's quite a few different types to choose from.


                      Love your set-up Bacchus - that's what I have in mind for my ladies. Slightly bigger run so I have room for other 'toys' for them - branches, a swing, straw bale etc - just different stuff at different times of year to keep them mentally stimulated and happy *yeah, I know....I'm a softie*
                      If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                      • #26
                        looks quite practical - don't like the colour much - not sure the wheels would be OK for use in rough ground but you could probably replace them with some bike wheels easily enough.


                        • #27
                          Yeah, the colour was a bit yuck for me too but I can easily 'tart it up' with a lick of paint The 'wheels' you mentioned (I had to go back and look) are air ventilation thingummies It's on legs which can be altered to suit your preferred height.

                          I'm just taking my time looking's great seeing everyone's different coops and runs
                          If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                          • #28
                            Or there's this company Nice looking houses. I don't need a run as we'll be building our own.

                            Lakeside Chicken Coop - Chicken Coops

                            Most women browse the internet looking at handbags and 'stuff' Me? I just look at chicken coops
                            Last edited by Gillykat; 25-02-2018, 11:44 AM.
                            If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Gillykat View Post
                              Yeah, the colour was a bit yuck for me too but I can easily 'tart it up' with a lick of paint The 'wheels' you mentioned (I had to go back and look) are air ventilation thingummies It's on legs which can be altered to suit your preferred height.

                              I'm just taking my time looking's great seeing everyone's different coops and runs
                              It may just be your monitor, but they are black with a Grass Green roof.
                              Looked at them at a show last year

                              I expect the black will fade to grey over time.

                              Edit... Good spot VC Red, Green, Grey, Black.
                              Last edited by 4Shoes; 25-02-2018, 01:55 PM.


                              • #30
                                The Solway has a choice of roof colour - there's a drop down box. Red sounds good.


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