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What am I going to do with all these eggs!


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  • What am I going to do with all these eggs!

    My chooks are slowly but surely coming into lay. I was getting three eggs a day a month ago, then four and now I am up to six a day!

    With approximately fifteen chooks I am starting to panic as to what I will do if they all start laying.

    I have a mixture of ages, colours and sizes so that i can always guarantee at least a few eggs a day.

    My worry is what I am going to do with a dozen or more eggs a day!
    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

    Diversify & prosper

  • #2
    You could put a fresh eggs sign up where you live,let friends & family & their friends & family know,my friend used to supply to friends. One of her friends got egg boxes from a baker probably free in exchange for some eggs I don�t know,I didn�t really know her,I just knew she had a stash of egg boxes
    Location : Essex


    • #3
      Separate the white and the yoke and freeze them is small containers ready for baking.
      Make Advocaat

      Edit - Was called away cont below
      Last edited by 4Shoes; 21-02-2018, 10:29 PM.


      • #4
        Get some dogs to help you eat the eggs...


        • #5
          omelette, poached eggs, eggy bread, French toast, pancakes, boiled, fried, pickled, scambled, egg custard.....

          It is a bit like courgettes, you get next winter to forget just how many you had to eat


          • #6
            Homemade Lemon curd is stuff made in heaven.
            Pickled eggs are delicious too.
            You can freeze them as 4Shoes has suggested, though I just whisk them and bag up in ziplock bags with the amounts ready for cakes....there’s really no difference in the quality of the cake.


            • #7
              It won't be long before some of the chooks go broody, so then the number of eggs will drop off. I always allowed my banties to sit and be broody if they wanted to, mostly on pot eggs, because it gives their bodies a break and a rest from egg producing, and a peace and quiet break from the hassle and politics of the flock. They seemed to go broody in rotation, so there were always enough eggs, with a few spare to preserve in isinglass for the winter.

              And as Scarlet says, H/M lemon curd is to die for, when you can be profligate with the eggs
              Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
              Endless wonder.


              • #8
                Yorkshire Puddings....Mmmmm....they can be frozen too.
                Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

                Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


                • #9
                  Is there anyone else at home who can help you eat them? Or friends, neighbours, family, workmates you can give them to or barter with?
                  One of our neighbours has an honesty shop in a ‘spare’ garden shed. Eggs, potatoes, onions, other seasonal fruit and veg if he has surplus. Folk just pick up what they need and put the money through the letterbox!

                  Many good eating suggestions above; souffl�, bread and butter pudding, quiche, spanish omelette, spaghetti carbonara, meringues, I think I have seen (but never tasted) orange curd and lime curd too ;-)


                  • #10
                    Too Early in season to put in fridge, will have lots of fresh eggs to use
                    ... They will keep for 66 days perhaps to 1st Lull
                    Freeze Raw Eggs for up to 1 Year - best whipped 1st
                    Dehydrate Raw Eggs and grind to Powder
                    Boil and Pickle
                    Water Glass - Yuck
                    Now if you also had a cow... Make Ice Cream and then Meringue
                    Just Early for strawberry season or should I say Eaton Mess Season.
                    Then you can bake, cook, etc

                    If down a lane, not so likely to get farm gate sales, but take them to work...
                    You can't sell them graded (Small, Medium or Large, Organic etc) as these are legal standards.
                    They can't be washed - reduces shelf life (Freeze any dirty eggs)
                    Last edited by 4Shoes; 21-02-2018, 10:37 PM.


                    • #11
                      8 egg whites

                      Raymond Blanc's bitter chocolate mousse recipe - goodtoknow

                      Use the yolks for lemon curd.

                      I bake and freeze cakes in wedges for OH to tuck into and quiches ... but that doesn't use very many on a regular basis.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • #12
                        By the way Snadge....I've just counted how many we have waiting to be used.......

                        61 !

                        (Yep...there are just 2of us!)
                        I think we'll have some very happy neighbours in the very near future
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • #13
                          Custard and meringues.... (not together!) both freeze.


                          • #14
                            Bake and freeze the baking for later - I do this with quiche, cakes, tortilla...

                            Dwell simply ~ love richly


                            • #15
                              Contact local school....
                              You could offer them Rotten Eggs for chemistry lessons.

                              Perhaps sell them to protest groups...

                              You would have to put label on them.

                              Education Product
                              Not for Human Consumption
                              You could miss out the BBE Date


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