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Cheap layers pellets?


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  • Cheap layers pellets?

    Evening all,

    My preferred layers pellet supplier (Countrywide Farmers) has gone into administration so I stocked up with a few extra bags today in their closing down sale but I'm looking for recommendations for another supplier in/around Reading, Swindon, online, etc.

    I've been paying �6 per 20kg bag.

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    I didn't know that, thanks Stan. They were my fallback supplier - 3 bags for �18.
    Last time I used a local supplier who delivered and can't remember what I bought. Sorry.


    • #3
      Yes, I had an email just this morning saying they were closing down. I'm not surprised, the store closest yo me was always empty and they had weird stock. That said I got my wellies from there last month!
      Last edited by Scarlet; 15-03-2018, 08:20 PM.


      • #4
        My supplier usually has Farmgate or Lloyds. I usually get Farmgate because its locally made but have used LLoyds if no Famgate available. Not sure about price but I know I get change from 20 squid note if I buy three bags, as I usually do.
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • #5
          I've just bought Heygates layer's pellets �6.50 and their mixed corn �6.50 - delivered to my door by a localish company - FREE.
          I like FREE


          • #6
            I was wondering how people decide on the feed when it's 'quality' vs price.

            From day one we only used Smallholders range Allen and Page layers pellets as we wanted a good quality all round feed, but over the last four years not only have the amount of chickens we have gone up, the price of the feed has risen from the �8-9 range to now being �11.49 a bag. When we can go through 4-6 bags a month that's not an insignificant amount.

            When I went for a browse of the other makes, Marriage's Layers pellets stood out for �8.99 , and having used them when worming I know the chickens will happily eat them.

            I couldn't being myself to buy the �6 a bag from the likes of Wynnstay, part of that's due to selling so many eggs to work colleges (although we still only charge �1 for 6 eggs) and having a niggling feeling the ingredients list can only be worse than the marriage's.


            • #7
              My take on it is that my chooks free range for most of the day on most days and the pelleted feed is a supplement to the grass and worms that they eat so i'm not so fussed about the quality of the feed. I can see that if they were in a run all day, every day then i would possibly be more worried about the quality of pellets i was buying in...


              • #8
                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                I've just bought Heygates layer's pellets �6.50 and their mixed corn �6.50 - delivered to my door by a localish company - FREE.
                I like FREE
                Here's the Ingredients list for Heygates
                Seems good enough to me and my chooks are happy and healthy. Like Stan's, they freerange in the garden whenever I'm around and don't spend their lives in a run..

                Fuzzy, you must have a lot of chooks to eat 4-6 bags a month! My 3 have a biscuit tin a week.
                Last edited by veggiechicken; 10-04-2018, 10:53 AM.


                • #9
                  I don’t even know why I’m following this so closely when I don’t even have.chickens yet.


                  • #10
                    ^^^ But you will!! Everyone must experience the joy of chickens. It should be on prescription.


                    • #11
                      We have anywhere from 20-30 throughout the year, depending of how many friends and family want and the amount of cockerels we have every hatch.

                      They roam free all day on about 1/8 acre that's full of grass, hedges and so on. I guess the 4-6 bags has been the amount over Winter, and the buffs are a big breed, so Summer quantity will reduce a fair bit.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Stan79 View Post
                        Evening all,

                        My preferred layers pellet supplier (Countrywide Farmers) has gone into administration so I stocked up with a few extra bags today in their closing down sale but I'm looking for recommendations for another supplier in/around Reading, Swindon, online, etc.

                        I've been paying �6 per 20kg bag.

                        Thanks in advance.
                        There's a farm in Shilton (near Carterton) that sells Heygates - either pellets, meal or mixed corn for �6.30 per 20kg bag


                        • #13
                          That's cheap! Thank you. I've found somewhere near home that does feed so will need to see how much they are charging!


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