Hello There
I'm new to this site and to chickens. Must say love the site and love my chickens. This site has helped me a lot already and I need a little more advice please as I've only had them a month.
Just got a pair of Buff Orpington to add to the others (8 hybrid beauties). My girls are not behaving themselves at all and are being quite horrid. Gloria(Amber Star) and Lady Penelope (Bluebelle)has taken to stalking them and picking out their feathers and eating them. They are also doing it to the others now,minx! Samson and Delilah (Buffs) are 17 weeks old where as the others are 21 weeks old and are just starting to lay.
I'm worried that Samson and Delilah are just being bullied too much. We are having to be feed away from the others as they chase the Buffs away and we don't want them to be unhappy and hungry chickens.
Thanks for reading, hope you can advise.
I'm new to this site and to chickens. Must say love the site and love my chickens. This site has helped me a lot already and I need a little more advice please as I've only had them a month.
Just got a pair of Buff Orpington to add to the others (8 hybrid beauties). My girls are not behaving themselves at all and are being quite horrid. Gloria(Amber Star) and Lady Penelope (Bluebelle)has taken to stalking them and picking out their feathers and eating them. They are also doing it to the others now,minx! Samson and Delilah (Buffs) are 17 weeks old where as the others are 21 weeks old and are just starting to lay.
I'm worried that Samson and Delilah are just being bullied too much. We are having to be feed away from the others as they chase the Buffs away and we don't want them to be unhappy and hungry chickens.
Thanks for reading, hope you can advise.