Hi everyone!
Well, its finally happened - having previously been only interested in growing veg, I've now got the plant/flower growing bug!
I'm planning on converting my original lottie site (behind our bungalow) which you can see if you look closely on dexter's photo - into a small flower/plant garden -
Question 1: but I haven't got a clue how to plan it - has anyone got any ideas, or know any web sites that I could visit for ideas, or any good books?
I would like a seating area at one end (opposite to the greenhouse) and a small (v small!) pond at the greenhouse end. Question 2: How do I build a pond? I am also keen on attracting wildlife to my garden Question 3: any plant recommendations for attracting wildlife?
The sun shines on the fence side during the morning then moves round behind the greenhouse from left to right (as you look at Dexys photo) so that at the end of the day the sun is on the bungalow wall (where the flagstone path is on the photo). Question 4: what plants grow well in the shade, is there such a thing?
Obviously it isn't going to be massive - but I'd like something I could work on over winter. Question 5: if I pull my finger out and get the layout sorted, what kind of plants can I plant now?
Many, many thanks in advance for all your helpful tips and advice!
Bernie aka Dexterdoglancashire
PS Be gentle with me guys and gals - any plants/flowers could you use the normal names not the latin type ones 'coz I haven't got a clue what they are!!!
Well, its finally happened - having previously been only interested in growing veg, I've now got the plant/flower growing bug!

I'm planning on converting my original lottie site (behind our bungalow) which you can see if you look closely on dexter's photo - into a small flower/plant garden -
Question 1: but I haven't got a clue how to plan it - has anyone got any ideas, or know any web sites that I could visit for ideas, or any good books?
I would like a seating area at one end (opposite to the greenhouse) and a small (v small!) pond at the greenhouse end. Question 2: How do I build a pond? I am also keen on attracting wildlife to my garden Question 3: any plant recommendations for attracting wildlife?
The sun shines on the fence side during the morning then moves round behind the greenhouse from left to right (as you look at Dexys photo) so that at the end of the day the sun is on the bungalow wall (where the flagstone path is on the photo). Question 4: what plants grow well in the shade, is there such a thing?
Obviously it isn't going to be massive - but I'd like something I could work on over winter. Question 5: if I pull my finger out and get the layout sorted, what kind of plants can I plant now?
Many, many thanks in advance for all your helpful tips and advice!
Bernie aka Dexterdoglancashire

PS Be gentle with me guys and gals - any plants/flowers could you use the normal names not the latin type ones 'coz I haven't got a clue what they are!!!