Planted up the perennials in my new flower bed over Easter. Obviously spaced them out to give them room to grow. Scattered some hardy annual seeds around them (opium poppies, nigella, cornflowers, calendula, can't remember what else.) Just broadcast sown so pot luck whether any come up. Oh also some white foxgloves and white evening primrose. They probably won't flower until next year but I can live with that.
So at the moment it's just a bed of bare soil with the odd small clump of leaves here and there. The perennials are:
I think that's everything but there might be one more. So it's a bit of a hotch potch of colours really. Most of the plants were given to me and I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. In summer / autumn I'm going to sow things like honesty, aquilegia, hollyhocks etc. for flowering next year.
I don't have any room indoors to raise anything tender. All possible windowsills and growing space is occupied by chillies and a few bedding plants to go in hanging baskets and pots. I know it's rather late in the year for growing things from seed; however, has anyone got suggestions for things I can direct sow outside now to give a good display this year, while the perennials are establishing themselves? Or should I wait a few weeks until frost danger is over and just buy lots of bedding plants at the garden centre? (Thinking nicotiana, salvia farinacea, cosmos...)
I'm thinking I might just stick some salad leaves in, which reminds me I did scatter red orache seeds so fingers crossed that some of those come up. Vaguely ornamental edibles are welcome.
Honestly, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
So at the moment it's just a bed of bare soil with the odd small clump of leaves here and there. The perennials are:
- Sunflower, tall perennial single-flowered one, forget its latin name. Supposed to be quite invasive but I love it and have coveted it for years
- Perennial aster
- Kniphofia (spelling?) - a yellow one
- Agapanthus
- Acanthus mollis (variegated)
- Phlox (white)
- Astilbe - probably pink
- Campanula - a tall-ish perennial one but I can't remember which exactly
- Tiger lilies
- Iris - supposed to be darkish blue
I think that's everything but there might be one more. So it's a bit of a hotch potch of colours really. Most of the plants were given to me and I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. In summer / autumn I'm going to sow things like honesty, aquilegia, hollyhocks etc. for flowering next year.
I don't have any room indoors to raise anything tender. All possible windowsills and growing space is occupied by chillies and a few bedding plants to go in hanging baskets and pots. I know it's rather late in the year for growing things from seed; however, has anyone got suggestions for things I can direct sow outside now to give a good display this year, while the perennials are establishing themselves? Or should I wait a few weeks until frost danger is over and just buy lots of bedding plants at the garden centre? (Thinking nicotiana, salvia farinacea, cosmos...)
I'm thinking I might just stick some salad leaves in, which reminds me I did scatter red orache seeds so fingers crossed that some of those come up. Vaguely ornamental edibles are welcome.
Honestly, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.