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Taking cuttings


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  • Taking cuttings

    Am I going mad? I thought there was already a thread about taking cuttings but I can�t find it

    I�ve taken cuttings from
    Tea tree (I think).
    A very pretty purple shrub I have no idea what it is. I�ll take photo when it�s stopped raining.
    A miniature flowered fuchsia.
    Plum (second try).
    Berberis (second try).

    I�m not sure I�m taking any of these cuttings correctly or at the right time of year for the plants.

  • #2
    no harm in taking cuttings at different times - for one thing plants don't grow by the calendar, so what may be the right date one year can be the wrong one the next.

    BTW you can (and I have) grow plum trees from cuttings, but the chances are the final tree, if you get one, will be a lot bigger than the one you started from, because plum varieties are normally grafted to a more dwarfing root-stock


    • #3
      SP, there's a Cuttings swap that didn't really take off - apart from our herbs.

      If you want cuttings of anything that I have, let me know and I'll start cutting.


      • #4
        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        SP, there's a Cuttings swap that didn't really take off - apart from our herbs.

        If you want cuttings of anything that I have, let me know and I'll start cutting.
        I�d remembered that one , if any of these cutting take I was going to attempt to revive the swap

        I�d love some cuttings from you VC, but I�ll have to wait see if any of these take & see if I have anything you want in return.

        One thing I�m very surprised at is I snapped a bit of lupin off so stuffed it in with other cuttings and it�s taken!


        • #5
          If you don't mind what I send you, I don't need a swap. Consider it my "donation" to your new garden.
          I have lots of plants grown from cuttings and seed given me by friends and family, some no longer with us. Their memory lives on in my garden - Ethne's fuchsia, Muriel's shrub she used in flower arranging - and SP's Mints .
          I like the thought of a bit of VC's garden growing in Mull.


          • #6
            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
            If you don't mind what I send you, I don't need a swap. Consider it my "donation" to your new garden.
            Thank you VC . I like the idea of a bit of VC�s garden growing on Mull as well .
            I don�t mind at all what you send me. Any cuttings will be very much appreciated.


            • #7
              It�s stopped raining for a few minutes, but the lights not great so photos are a bit naff.
              Here�s the purple thing I�ve taken cuttings from. Anyone know what it is?

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              I�ve got a few of the successful cuttings, all I know is it�s a cranesbill but don�t know which one.

              Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384752


              • #8
                I'll happily take cuttings for you.

                I think your red shrub is physocarpus


                • #9
                  Thank you Scarlet , that�s lovely of you. I�m going to have the best looking garden on Mull at this rate .
                  The Rose campion & perennial cornflower you sent me are doing very well . I�ve saved some seeds from the cornflower

                  All I need now is a creative mind to design the garden! I�m really struggling with a completely blank canvas!


                  • #10
                    Don't worry, you have the cream of creative minds on tap, on the Vine.

                    Do you have a rough idea of the layout of the garden and the character you want? IIRC it was cottage garden at the front?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                      Don't worry, you have the cream of creative minds on tap, on the Vine.

                      Do you have a rough idea of the layout of the garden and the character you want? IIRC it was cottage garden at the front?
                      Front garden is going to be left to nature ! It�s not going to be fenced so sheep & deer will be doing the gardening at the front . The back garden will be deer fenced from the front corners of the house and it�ll have a little shanty town of sheds, a little wooded area, a fenced (protection from dogs) veggie garden with my tunnels. A cottage style garden bit And an open area for dog to play.

                      Click image for larger version

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Size:	179.8 KB
ID:	2384757

                      Back garden starts going up not far behind the back of the house, not a lot of flat ground.


                      • #12
                        Back to cuttings.
                        How do you take bay cuttings? I’ve tried everything I can think of, without success.
                        I’ve tried left cuttings, hard & soft wood cuttings with rooting compound, cuttings in a bucket of water.
                        What else can I try?


                        • #13
                          It may be timing? Take some semi ripe cuttings next month and September. Try some direct in the ground as well as in pots.
                          When I take cuttings I usually have more failures...but you only need a couple to live.



                          • #14
                            Thanks Scarlet that’s very helpful.


                            • #15
                              Is flowering now? Bought one at Hampton Court called Diablo D'or.

                              Bit miffed as per net it says avoid chalky soil, so got to find a container. Or if I can find right spot dig planting hole and fill it with ericaceous as chalk doesn't rise. It's worked with three magnolias.
                              Last edited by DannyK; 29-07-2019, 03:19 PM.
                              Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


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