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Do you dig up or leave alone?


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  • Do you dig up or leave alone?

    Just curious................

    Once something has flowered (like spring bulbs) do you dig them up to store and replant or leave them to die back in situ and regrow next year?
    Same with tubers, like you dig them up and dry them off?

    I admit that I leave all my flowers to do their own thing - if they survive or die, its their choice. My only concession is moving the pots with geraniums in, into the GH overwinter - but I don't dig them up.

    How many of you care for your plants and how many of you are carefree like me?

  • #2
    I us usually leave everything....but a couple of years ago most of my dahlias didn't come back, those that do were really late to flower.

    Last year I dug most of them up.
    I managed to split them, I did have a few issues with taking cuttings but everything that survived flowered super early! I also increased my stock with some tubers giving me half a dozen flowering plants.
    I will be digging them up again.
    Everything else stays put.


    • #3
      Stuff in the ground is left to fend for its self and most seem to be thriving, pots are moved into the greenhouse and the small ones are plunged in the soil, all are covered with fleece later in the year.


      • #4
        I put my geraniums and fuschias into the greenhouse, that's all. Nothing that gets planted in the ground gets moved over winter. Tough cookies or they're gone


        • #5
          I do move the lemon tree into the greenhouse. Everything else fends for itself.


          • #6
            I will keep my dahlia tubers over the winter - been saving paper bags from Lidl bread purchases so I can keep them separate with names on. I accidentally grew a bright pink dahlia with an orangey red geranium this year, had to separate them before I got a headache Dont want to do that again. My dahlias haven't died back yet though, still flowering

            I've taken cuttings of some half hardies I particularly like such as fuchsias and a really pretty peachy coloured argyranthemum, hopefully I can get them through the winter.

            Other things in pots can come in the greenhouse, but if we get a cold winter it may be curtains.

            I'm hoping to buy as little bedding as possible next year, by cuttings or sowing my own. Save some money
            Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


            • #7
              Leave alone. I have more time for veg than flowers, so flower beds get left to their own devices ;-)


              • #8
                Is it okay to leave gladioli bulbs?I might not have a time to dig them up


                • #9
                  I leave anything planted in ground where it is, I planted a couple of dahlia this year so will see if they come back. The only things that move are pots. The lemon goes back in to the orangery, and a small bay and an acer go in the garage, other than that everything fends for itself.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Atta View Post
                    Is it okay to leave gladioli bulbs?I might not have a time to dig them up
                    They will be OK but all the off sets will grow and produce �grass� round the bulbs.
                    Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


                    • #11
                      My fav dahlias, the ones in the garden, will get dug up again when they get frosted, and stored in the outhouse - but all the others at the allotment are going to get a compost layer over them and then left to get on with it (maybe some fleece as well??). The plot is at the top of the hill so I'm hoping for the best.....

                      Fuchsia, Agapanthus and Lilly pots all get brought into a greenhouse plus I bought some Sicillian Chamomile this year (Anthemis Cupaniana) and Sissinghurst Blue Rosemary which aren't supposed to be fully hardy, so they'll come under cover as well for their first winter. Don't want to lose them before they've really got going

                      One bulb I'm really hoping to dig up and move is the Crocosmia Lucifer (Orange/Red), I love the flowers but it is in the wrong place next to a plummy red rose, the colour clash really annoys me

                      Oops! forgot the begonia plants, in pots, which move into the greenhouse 'til they dry out, then the dry tubers come indoors.
                      Last edited by Thelma Sanders; 11-10-2019, 09:45 AM.


                      • #12
                        I move my favourite cannas and dahlias in buckets to under a bush for the winter in a sheltered spot. Fuchsias in pots and the ground I leave and they mostly come back. I move geraniums to a sheltered cove type place south facing outdoors. Last years begonias and trailing geraniums left in a hanging basket came back fine this year, we didn't have a super cold winter. I am surprised that the geraniums survived. 1 Lemon and 1 bougainvilliea come indoors. Tulips and Daffodils are left in the rose pots in which they are planted. I try to overwinter a few chilli plants indoors.

                        So basically no digging up, just moving about stuff about a bit


                        • #13
                          My dahlias stay in the ground.
                          I put a mound of earth on top to make sure the tubers are well covered.
                          If the forecast is for really frosty weather I put upturned containers over them lined with fleece.
                          We dont seem to get really minus temperatures on the east coast and my garden is sheltered.
                          Fuschias, geraniums and other bits and bobs go in the greenhouse.
                          Pots of lily go under the deck with fleece covering.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • #14
                            At home I grow quite a lot in pots so I lift and overwinter Dahlias, Begonia & Canna. Pelargoniums & non-hardy Fuschia are stripped and put into plastic greenhouse(s) up against a south facing wall. Agapanthus and lillies are left in their pots and shoved up against south facing wall. I put some spring bulbs in pots and when done either store for the next year or plant in the garden to stay there.


                            • #15
                              Because we get some extreme frost, we need to lift dahlias, chrysanths and other delicate plants. I'm contemplating burying them in a similar fashion to making a potato clamp this year. Watch this space,


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