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To grow cyclamen coum from tubers or plants?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    My neighbour, next door but one, has a lot of the small pink flowered cyclamen that are in flower now. They've spread through her garden, out to the roadside grass verge (we can't afford pavements here!) and are colonising my next door neighbour's verge too.
    This year, for the first time, there are some in the hedge between next door and my front garden. When they reach my grass verge, I shall be really, really pleased.
    Don't know what sort they are, or if that's the effect you want, chillithyme, but they look lovely en masse.
    They'll be hederifolium if they are flowering now.
    They self-seed quite easily, although it takes several years before a seedling will flower.


    • #17
      Thanks for the confirmation ameno!


      • #18
        Yes this is the effect that I want Vc, a carpet of cyclamen, I�l have to take a trip to a nursery or two I�l be dreaming of Hederifolium tonight


        • #19
          I "think" Morries had some for sale today - in packs of 6. Can't remember the price but quite cheap.


          • #20
            Thanks Vc, I’l have another peek in there


            • #21
              Prices here don't look too bad. Like the name!

              There might still be a specialist cyclamen nursery. There was one use to come to RHS London shows before the RHS screwed us by abandoning them.

              Riddlesdown (S Croydon)


              • #22
                I ordered some from him this morning, yes its a good name. Thanks DannyK looks like you've been on a cyclamen hunt too Didn't realise that he sells via eBay too.Hope that they are good plants.
                I will, update with photos when they arrive some time this week.

                His videos on cyclamen are interesting too
                Last edited by chillithyme; 20-10-2019, 12:22 PM.


                • #23
                  I've received my hederifolium and coum plants, wohoooooo. They are lovely healthy plants. Can't wait for them to set seed and spread

                  Last edited by chillithyme; 22-10-2019, 04:12 PM.


                  • #24
                    years ago I put 6 corms out in the garden under the apple tree. now as everything else is disappearing for winter I have several square metres of ground cover with lovely white flowers. This is my mostly untouched wild life area! Mainly because 1. too lazy to get in there and tidy up 2. don't want to disturb the cyclamen.
                    The thing I grow best are very large slugs!


                    • #25
                      It must be beautiful!My local garden centre has loads of pink and white under a tree right now, I spend more time hanging around there than actually getting anything. I think this may be my new fav plant


                      • #26
                        Spurred on by this thread I've had a rummage in my seed boxes and found some cyclamen seeds - hederifolium, libanoticum, neapolitan and "mixed hardy species".
                        Most of them are from Chiltern Seeds and the seed sowing instructions are interesting!

                        Sow indoors Feb - April, Sep - Nov.
                        Sow as soon as you can, fresh seed germinates best.
                        Prior to sowing seeds, soak in water with a little added washing-up liquid, for 10-24 hours.
                        Surface sow 2cms apart onto moist, well drained seed compost in a pot. Cover seed with 5-7cms grit.
                        Ideal temp 13-15C
                        Hardy cyclamen germinate best in total darkness.
                        Germination takes 6-10 weeks approx.Do not discard pots too soon.
                        Pots must be kept moist at all times.
                        Seedling tubers should remain in the same pot until they go dormant in their 2nd season.
                        Best planted out when dormant.


                        Time to put my seeds to soak!!


                        • #27
                          They are on sale tomorrow.
                          Either Lidl or Aldi, can't remember which.
                          Plants are €1.39 each.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • #28
                            �1.79 in Lidl.


                            • #29
                              A trip to Lidl it is then
                              Get sowing Vc I'm hoping that my hardy cyclamen will self seed, around June July time. I've put my cyclamens in large pots for now as I need to clear a space for them and had to get them in asap.

                              I might join in with the sowing, I think I'm getting addicted
                              The corms in the garden centre were getting a bit soft and sprouting, are they too far gone?
                              Last edited by chillithyme; 24-10-2019, 08:47 AM.


                              • #30
                                If you're becoming addicted, have a browse of
                                Lots of info and temptation there.


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