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Replantable Christmas tree


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  • Replantable Christmas tree

    Can anyone share their useful experiences (positive and negative!) of using one of those replantable christmas trees?
    How many years can you use it before it gets too big/stressed? Do the roots become too big or unwieldy? Etc..

  • #2
    Depends on size to an extent. A small tree, say up to 2' high in a pot is doable for a few years, though it may get a bit on the sparse side if not cared for over the summer. Bringing a bigger tree in to the house can be done, but is more of a project as trees need good roots to stay healthy.

    You can always get one more year out of a live tree if you grow it on in your garden for a few years, as the top 6' after a while will make a decent cut tree for one year. I've got a 30 odd year Xmas tree in my garden, it's about 40' tall now and the top 8' would make a splendid cut tree for anyone who could be bothered to climb up and cut it :-)


    • #3
      I have a korean fir, had it in a pot for about 10 years and it's approx 5 ft tall, it's used as a christmas tree at the front of the house.
      I don't bring it into the house though, not too sure how it would respond to the environmental changes
      Last edited by MyWifesBrassicas; 24-12-2019, 12:07 PM. Reason: adding the height of the tree


      • #4
        I got mine from a$da about 5 years ago. I've used it every year. I potted it up the first year I bought it into a bigger pot. Last Christmas it needed potting up again so I planted it in the garden. I bought another one for about �20 for this year and potted it on straight away as they are often pot grown they are very pot bound in the pots that they are supplied in - you have to almost cut them
        Out of the pots. I love it and for �20 for about 5 christmases indoors before using it as an outdoor plant/Xmas tree it's a bargain.
        Click image for larger version

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        #excuse the unfortunate teddy on the top - it's was an "in" joke between my twin boys. They've used it for over 15 years as a tree topper and have forgotten what the joke was! may see something familiar if you zoom in
        Last edited by Scarlet; 24-12-2019, 12:26 PM.


        • #5
          These are all very interesting examples. I was worried it would be so pot bound or stretched out that it wouldn't really last more than 2yrs or so... I think I might chance it... see if I can get one in the sales!


          • #6
            When I moved to this house there was a big conifer in the front garden - completely in the wrong place. It was so big that we would park a car under the branches to keep it frost free. The neighbours told us that it was a Christmas tree, planted by a former resident.
            For a few years, we'd put lights in it and pretend to be festive but ultimately, it had the chop. That costs a fortune as it was so big.
            The moral is, if you're going to plant it in the garden, look to the future and imagine it full sized.


            • #7
              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              When I moved to this house there was a big conifer in the front garden - completely in the wrong place. It was so big that we would park a car under the branches to keep it frost free. The neighbours told us that it was a Christmas tree, planted by a former resident.
              For a few years, we'd put lights in it and pretend to be festive but ultimately, it had the chop. That costs a fortune as it was so big.
              The moral is, if you're going to plant it in the garden, look to the future and imagine it full sized.
              A good moral for any trees planted near houses and the wonder being that Lawson cypresses are so popular for hedging, given they make a good 80' high tree if left to their own devices.


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