Well with the bad weather I sat and did some reading. I decided that I wanted to make my garden look a bit prettier than a veg patch and wanted to bring in more beneficial insects too. So along with my normal collection of nasturtiums, sunflowers, tagetes and sweet peas I have brought the following seeds. I aim to put some in the ground in and around my apple tree/ wild garden and have lots in containers to place around the garden :
Sweet Alyssum, 'Carpet of Snow'
Queen Anne's Lace, 'Green Mist'
Cornflower, True Wild Form
Cosmos sulphureus, 'Bright Lights'
Yellow Chamomile, True Wild Form
Poached Egg Plant
Monarda didyma, Bee Balm 'Panorama'
Penstemon barbatus, ''Twizzle Purple'
Zinnia elegans, 'Envy'
Chamomile, 'Bodegold'
Marigold, Pot Calendula officinalis
Phacelia tanacetifolia
Nepeta needs sowing, then stratification, then a heated propagator.... I have 3 plants on order! life is too short. That and him indoors will complain if the fridge is full of seed trays. He didn't notice the seed packet for Verbena in the butter compartment (he doesn't eat butter!!!
Sweet Alyssum, 'Carpet of Snow'
Queen Anne's Lace, 'Green Mist'
Cornflower, True Wild Form
Cosmos sulphureus, 'Bright Lights'
Yellow Chamomile, True Wild Form
Poached Egg Plant
Monarda didyma, Bee Balm 'Panorama'
Penstemon barbatus, ''Twizzle Purple'
Zinnia elegans, 'Envy'
Chamomile, 'Bodegold'
Marigold, Pot Calendula officinalis
Phacelia tanacetifolia
Nepeta needs sowing, then stratification, then a heated propagator.... I have 3 plants on order! life is too short. That and him indoors will complain if the fridge is full of seed trays. He didn't notice the seed packet for Verbena in the butter compartment (he doesn't eat butter!!!
