Well they all were planted. 50 of them. Maybe planted a bit late and I realise not in the right conditions.
Anyway, they grew, and grew and grew. Ended up with a good 24 inches of long slender crocus like leaf and eventually 3 flowers.
The tempory home was the raised bed vegetable bed. So reasonable soil, good level of nutrients. Saffron crocus should be in sandy, gritty, sun baked ground. So kind of utterly wrong.
Flowers never really opened (all 3 of them), no idea if they had the required stamen.
Big question: Are or were they Saffron Crocus?
Honest answer I have no real idea.
UK was wet when I put them in, went in a little late, soil better suited to vegetables, not gritty and not sunbaked, probably too rich.
Thoughts are the soil caused the long green leaf growth and the wet/cold caused the lack of flowers. I may be being generous.
Leaf has stayed, just removed last group of bulbs today and the leaves are present on them and the ones I took out 2 weeks ago. I am holding them in a large pot that is poor soil and 50% sand/grit. They seem happy. Well they haven't died.
I have now about 5 times the number of bulbs/corms. Oh hell!!!
Plan is: Create a long bed at front of house, faces South West. Should be dryer against the wall and I will add 2 bags of what is really a fine mulch and 2 bags of sharp sand. Then put the whole lot in there and see what happens.
Anyway, they grew, and grew and grew. Ended up with a good 24 inches of long slender crocus like leaf and eventually 3 flowers.
The tempory home was the raised bed vegetable bed. So reasonable soil, good level of nutrients. Saffron crocus should be in sandy, gritty, sun baked ground. So kind of utterly wrong.
Flowers never really opened (all 3 of them), no idea if they had the required stamen.
Big question: Are or were they Saffron Crocus?
Honest answer I have no real idea.
UK was wet when I put them in, went in a little late, soil better suited to vegetables, not gritty and not sunbaked, probably too rich.
Thoughts are the soil caused the long green leaf growth and the wet/cold caused the lack of flowers. I may be being generous.
Leaf has stayed, just removed last group of bulbs today and the leaves are present on them and the ones I took out 2 weeks ago. I am holding them in a large pot that is poor soil and 50% sand/grit. They seem happy. Well they haven't died.
I have now about 5 times the number of bulbs/corms. Oh hell!!!
Plan is: Create a long bed at front of house, faces South West. Should be dryer against the wall and I will add 2 bags of what is really a fine mulch and 2 bags of sharp sand. Then put the whole lot in there and see what happens.