does anyone know where you can get auricula seeds from?ive seen a few seed mixes but would like to get seed for particular plants.
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I would have thought you would get seed for auricula in any good garden centre but if that fails you can get them from �2.19 for 90 seeds.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Yes, that's right Leoni, the seeds are just dust and if you bought them they would be just the same. To harvest your seed
Doing this from memory but think I am right - nothing to loose
Fill a 3 inch pot ( or thereabouts) with damp compost
Take your spent flower head with the seed and tap it over the compost to collect the seed
DO NOT cover with compost (the seeds are too small)
Cover the pot with something to exclude the light (a beer mat, a bit of brown paper, anything)
Put the pot and its lid in a poly bag and clip it closed with a crocodile clip, elastic band or anything.
Stand the pot outside on a north facing windowsill (or spot) where the sun never shines.
Leave for 2 weeks and have a look. You may be lucky.
If nothing ,but surface of compost looks dry spray over gently. If compost seems dry water from the bottom by standing in some water.
Put the pot back where it was and check at weekly intervals.
If seedlings appear remove the light excluder and gradually remove from the poly bag. Grow on until real leaves appear then transplant each seedling to 3 inch pot and grow on til end of summer and plant out to flower next year.
If seedlings dont appear you have 2 choices
You can keep the pot going and hope they will appear next spring (sometimes this happens)
Or throw it away and say the seeds weren't viable and try again next year.
OR the plant may have done it all by itself, have a good look round about it later in the year. Whichever way, good luck with your Auriculas, lovely plants.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Leona take a look at this site they sell single colour packets of seeds and also named varieties as plants. It might be worth getting their catalogue.[
Hi Leona. If you wan't particular plants you'll have to buy them & then propagate from cuttings. If you grow from seed you'll get all sorts some good some not so good & it'll be a bit longer term. try this site as well
I've checked & if you type Auriculas into Yahoo & Google it will give you a list. (in joke Leona)
Be warned though, they are very very adictive! Once you start on them you'll not stop!
There is a nursery on Loch Ness-side that specialises in auriculas - called Abraichan Nursery but website is www.lochnessgarden. Might be worth having a look there too.Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Hello Leona, don't give up on your auricula seeds yet. They are a bit eratic from seed packets and do much better from fresh seed planted straight away. Keep your tray of seeds all the way through to next spring and they might germinate then. Good luck.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
i did sow some from one of the flowers but then i went to ashwood nurserys in the midlands and the guy there who breeds them said it was totaly the wrong time of year and nothing would happen so i binned them. he was very nice though and let me buy a load of seedlings so ive got a whole tray of mixed seedlings anyway but it would be really nice to grow some from seed
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