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  • Surfinias

    I've got six surfinia plants (lovely blue ones) which I bought as plugs and now have potted up in the greenhouse.
    How many would you think I need for a hanging basket, would three do it so I can put the other three in another pot?
    And when can they be planted out?
    best wishes

  • #2
    Two is probably enough in a hanging basket if you feed and water them enough and pinch them when they're young so they're nice and bushy. If they get at all straggly, try planting any lengths you cut off, they'll probably root.

    Keep them in a frost free place till all danger of it has passed.

    Have you tried blue vein? Less pretty but they smell heavenly, a bit like jasmine.

    Another winning basket combination is blue million bells with white trailing lobelia.


    • #3
      Sorry Jeanine I disagree, they always look better in odd numbers.

      As you've got them now keep them warm and growing and when they are big enough take a crop of cuttings just like you would Fuchsias. then by the time it comes around to planting them up in pots you'll have loads

      Don't sell them though as you'll be in breach of plant breeders rights but you're OK to propagate them for your own use
      Never be afraid to try something new.
      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


      • #4
        I take cuttings and double the number.
        Three in a basket: lots of moisture retaining gel.
        Plant out mid/late May...


        • #5
          Blue Surfinias
          Attached Files
          I you'st to have a handle on the world .. but it BROKE!!


          • #6
            Thanks for the advice, looks like I can do more than one basket then, really looking forward to the flower display this summer, I've got the hanging basket by my shed door, the shed is now painted dark green and in front of the shed I've got a rose arch and after two years the climbing rose has nearly got all the way over so should look very grand with white roses and behind a big splosh of blue from the surfinias.
            I should be able to get a lovely before and after picture too, the rose when it was first planted - three foot-long sticks looking very forlorn, an unpainted shed behind and no hanging basket.

            And Nick, I hate to admit it but have never done cuttings, what do I do, would love to have the blue flowers dotted all round the allotment. And for now they're growing well, I shall keep them cosy until the frost danger is past.


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