Has anyone got a lupin tree? Not really a tree, but a shrub I suppose. My sister in law sent me a potted one she found when she realised I was struggling to grow lupins in Tingwall (in our old house in Lerwick I used to pull them up by the handful as they spread so quickly!).
Was hoping to attach a pic but it was really dark today (and hellish cold) and it has not come out.
Anyway .......... was wondering whether I should plant this in the garden. So far I have had it growing in a pot in case it was allergic to my soil which tends towards the alkalinel. I have had it three years and it hasn't really grown alot. Any tips? Just LOVE lupins and quite upset I haven't been able to grow any here in Tingwall. Not for want of trying!
Was hoping to attach a pic but it was really dark today (and hellish cold) and it has not come out.
Anyway .......... was wondering whether I should plant this in the garden. So far I have had it growing in a pot in case it was allergic to my soil which tends towards the alkalinel. I have had it three years and it hasn't really grown alot. Any tips? Just LOVE lupins and quite upset I haven't been able to grow any here in Tingwall. Not for want of trying!