Has anyone grown acer from seed.Our acer(Think japanese maple,but not 100% sure...better half says it is),has quite alot of seed on it this year, and was wondering how easy to grow.It has 'winged' seed. I think you supposed to remove the wings, but don't know what else to do .Seems a shame to let all the seed go to waste without trying something with it Its the first year its produced all this seed.Better half though I was having him on when I asked if he had seen the flowers on the acer.
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Acers from seed
acers from seed
OK heres what to do the seed is best collected fresh before it starts to dry out and harden (for most maples this will be when the winged seeds turn yellow) sow immediately in trays in a cold frame. Once germinated in spring growth will be more rapid if you bring them into a greenhouse. Once they have their first few leaves pot individually. If you cant sow the seed immediately mix the seed with moist peat in a plastic bag and keep in the fridge over winter then sow in cold frame in spring.
hope that helps
Hello Lyndap, no need to be so confused. What Gcroft ,and the book , told you is right. Take the seeds and plant them now. I have had good success with fresh seed. You may be very lucky and they will germinate now and you will have small plants to grow on for planting next year. |If they don't germinate leave them outside in a pot in a polly bag over the winter. Move them to a warmer place in the spring and make sure they don't dry out. Hopefully they will germinate then.
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