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Help Needed - Rampant Ivy


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  • Help Needed - Rampant Ivy

    Help needed!

    Does anyone know of a good way to keep ivy at bay (apart from the obvious hedge trimmer!). Our neighbours ivy is now growing through the fence panels and starting to strangle my thornless blackberry which is a fantastic fruiter - as well as trashing our fence panels!

    Any ideas gratefully received.

    Thanks, Chris

  • #2
    I would have a polite word with your neighbor asking them to keep it pruned as it needs to be done from their side of the fence and if not done it will not only break your fence but will also eventually strangle your blackberry.
    If they are a nice neighbor they will have no problem with doing this, but if they are complete @#[./;@ that some are then you may need to think up something else dare I say like painting the leaves of the ivy on your side of the fence with a weedkiller preferably organic. Wont do his ivy any good but hope you dont need to go down that route.

    Might also be worth giving CAB a ring to ask about the legalities of any actions
    Last edited by crichmond; 20-04-2008, 04:16 PM.
    Cheers Chris

    Beware Greeks bearing gifts, or have you already got a wooden horse?... hehe.


    • #3
      If you're anti-weedkiller, then pull it off as soon as you spot it. Vigilance will pay off. If you're prepared to use weedkiller, then paint or spray the leaves with glyphosate.


      • #4
        Pull the shoots growing on your side through the fence as far as possible and cut them off. If there is enough tension on them when you do it they will spring back to the other side. Be careful that nothing roots on your side of the fence.

        You will have to keep on doing it though, best of luck
        Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


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