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lady boothby climbing fushia


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  • lady boothby climbing fushia

    Hi, im new to the site, and also new to growing the lady boothby fushia.

    I have a couple growing in my garden, and althought they look dead to the naked eye if you scratch the top layer of bark (so to speak) off its a lush green underneath. Am i supposed to cut them back every year? if so at whta time? or can they just be left?


  • #2
    I got some too last year and didnt cut them down consequently they have now re-sprouted from their woody stem, I think you are supposed to cut them back after flowering (they will flowering in November last year!) down to ground level that way you get fresh stem each year, I think they only came onto market last year which is why I havent been able to find anything, but someone else might no better to me as growing flowers is very new to me, much prefer to grow to eat !


    • #3
      I bought a Lady Boothby yesterday, on the label it says it is hardy and can grow 2 metres in its first season. I was going to ask if you have to prune it. Shall have to go and google.


      • #4
        Lady Boothby is in fact a very old variety that "someone" has re-invented. It is naturally a very vigorous, tall grower and It certainly grows very quickly. It is best cut back by a third at the end of the season and then cut back hard about the end of April, or when you can see signs of re-growth.


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