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how to line a hanging basket?


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  • how to line a hanging basket?

    Hi everyone.

    All my hanging baskets are linned with cocoa linning, but over the past month or so the magpie,s sparrows etc have been stealing it to make their nest,s, so some of them look very thin in places so i need to make new linnings for them.
    I was just going to line them with old compost bags, but on tv the other day i saw someone line theirs with just old news papers, can anyone suggest which will be best, or has anyone got any better suggestions please.

    thanks in advance.

  • #2
    I would have thought that the old compost bags woud be fine, black side out, just make a few holes in the bottom for drainage. News papers on the inside would hold the moisture in and you could put in a lump of sponge to hold the water too and reduce the watering.
    Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


    • #3
      I,m pleased you recommended compost bags, because i lined 2 yesterday lol.

      thanks for the advice roitelet


      • #4
        I have used old compost bags for years (black side out) They are strong and FREE. I do not start my drainage holes at the bottom though , but a couple of inches up as I think it helps to retain water better. Also, it's best to put a larger than required piece of the bag in the container, fill it with the compost and plants and then water. The weight of the water pushes the bag into the container. Trim the bag AFTER this and you wont find that later waterings come pouring over the top of the liner because you cut it to short in the first place (The voice of experience here see!!) Sanjo


        • #5
          Thank you sanjo, i am still using my cocoa linning but last year i didnt line them at all, when i watered my plants,the water just ran thru, i ended up having to stand my hanging baskets in buckets of water to give them a good soaking, and after the magpies and other birds have been at them they are getting a bit bold in some places. Planted five baskets up today( only eight more to do) gave them all a good watering and all look ok (so far) lol.


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