I bought nine different coloured, named, species of spray chrysanths earlier in the year purely to use for cuttings for next years plants.
Each weren't individually labelled so I've had to wait til now to differentiate colours and species. All but two have flowered and the other two are budded up, even though they are early sprays!
They must have been propagated from cuttings taken fairly late and should have flowered earlier in the year. For ease I potted them individually into florists buckets, left them out til the first frost and now have them flowering in the greenhouse. A few have cuttings starting to come from the stools now.
I have grown chrysanths before and used to dig em up and box em for the winter to allow me to take cuttings from new growth in the spring.........this worked quite well. Then I was advised to wash off all soil before boxing up..........this didn't work so well.
Because they are still growing and seem quite happy it is my intention to leave them growing in the pots and just take cutting as they show.
Although this is not the done thing, has anyone else had success with this method?
Each weren't individually labelled so I've had to wait til now to differentiate colours and species. All but two have flowered and the other two are budded up, even though they are early sprays!
They must have been propagated from cuttings taken fairly late and should have flowered earlier in the year. For ease I potted them individually into florists buckets, left them out til the first frost and now have them flowering in the greenhouse. A few have cuttings starting to come from the stools now.
I have grown chrysanths before and used to dig em up and box em for the winter to allow me to take cuttings from new growth in the spring.........this worked quite well. Then I was advised to wash off all soil before boxing up..........this didn't work so well.
Because they are still growing and seem quite happy it is my intention to leave them growing in the pots and just take cutting as they show.
Although this is not the done thing, has anyone else had success with this method?
