There has been articles in the papers and magazines through-out the summer about the downy mildew fungus that has attacked Impatiens plants this year. This has actually been about for 4/5 years, but has become more prevailient this year, we think mainly due to the weather conditions.
Depending on where you are in the country, you may have come accross it or not, but a lot of impatiens in council display beds in Northern England, were wiped out because of it.
This only seems to affect the Common Impatiens, not the 'New Guinea' Type or the superb 'Sunpatiens' Hybrid, i would like to add.
So my question to you is:
Will you be planting Impatiens (Busy Lizzies) in your garden in 2009?
Thanks in advance for all those who reply.
Information added later:
Why I am asking this Question? In reponse to a few queries, I would like to add that I run a medium size nursery in Nottingham supplying Bedding Plants and Vegetable Plants to 35 Garden Centres and over the internet through our website. Whilst we didn't get the mildew on our own nursery as we grow all our own plants from seed instead of buying in plugs, if this strain of mildew gets hold in this country it has the ability to devastate trade in what is the UK's most popular summer bedding plant.
My garden centre customers are telling me to not to worry and carry on growing as many as usual, etc. Yet it is all my risk with the stock. So i am trying to find out what their customers (i.e you) are going to do, and this is the quickest way I can think of.
What's becoming amusing is, that considering impatiens are the no.1 summer bedding plant, there's a lot of people here who don't like them!!!!!!!!!!!
There has been articles in the papers and magazines through-out the summer about the downy mildew fungus that has attacked Impatiens plants this year. This has actually been about for 4/5 years, but has become more prevailient this year, we think mainly due to the weather conditions.
Depending on where you are in the country, you may have come accross it or not, but a lot of impatiens in council display beds in Northern England, were wiped out because of it.
This only seems to affect the Common Impatiens, not the 'New Guinea' Type or the superb 'Sunpatiens' Hybrid, i would like to add.
So my question to you is:
Will you be planting Impatiens (Busy Lizzies) in your garden in 2009?
Thanks in advance for all those who reply.
Information added later:
Why I am asking this Question? In reponse to a few queries, I would like to add that I run a medium size nursery in Nottingham supplying Bedding Plants and Vegetable Plants to 35 Garden Centres and over the internet through our website. Whilst we didn't get the mildew on our own nursery as we grow all our own plants from seed instead of buying in plugs, if this strain of mildew gets hold in this country it has the ability to devastate trade in what is the UK's most popular summer bedding plant.
My garden centre customers are telling me to not to worry and carry on growing as many as usual, etc. Yet it is all my risk with the stock. So i am trying to find out what their customers (i.e you) are going to do, and this is the quickest way I can think of.
What's becoming amusing is, that considering impatiens are the no.1 summer bedding plant, there's a lot of people here who don't like them!!!!!!!!!!!