Very excited my first ever rose has arrived! It is Zephrine Doughin (as recommended by other grapes!) and is in a 4 litre pot. Now what do I do? As the weather isn't great at the moment do I put it in my unheated greenhouse or will it be alright to stand outside until I get round to digging a hole for it? Also, when I plant it, how much bone meal should I put in the hole?
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My new rose!!
You won't be disappointed with the scent! Mine are all sat about outdoors waiting for the day when they get their roots in the earth. If it has been indoors, it might be best to find it a sheltered spot till it hardens off. Can't help with the rest but have heard something about bunging a banana peel in the bottom of the planting hole and my mum always put a big dollop of horse poo in.Happy Gardening,
You can either put some horse (rotten)manure at the bottom of the hole or some bone meal.Up to you.
Nurseries usually grow roses outside,they are dug up in the dormant season(winter) and sold bare rooted.When they start to grow again they are potted and sold in pots.
I'd say it would be fine outside.
Zephirine drouhin is a fantastic rose. I have just bought bobbie james and constance spry climbing. I dig deep, loosen up soil where it is to go(never put a rose in where another rose has been and died) plenty of well rotted manure and compost.
Nah - they're great! New Dawn is a paler pink, also sweetly scented. I think it's an offspring of Zeph - but I might have dreamt that! I had both either side of an arch in my old garden - with a couple of deep purple clematis romping through them. That's one thing I'd have loved to bring with me, but there you go!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
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