Help! Can anyone advise me how to best deal with ground elder? I have positively a blanket of the stuff over a large border. Thankfully, it is nowhere near my raised beds for veggies but it's a real pain in the herbacious border. I think its partly my fault as I dug over the entire bed shortly after I moved in (winter) and probably spread it around in the process (Homer moment, doh!) but it looks as if its been lurking for some years unchecked. The soil is a heavy clay and pulling roots out individually is impossible. I've tried a small area with SBK (sorry, desperate) and it just seems to make the leaves grow an odd shape but they still grow, and so the roots still spread. Does anyone know of something that will kill roots as well? I know its not brilliant to spray but I am seriously at my wits end with this plague.
Any advice would be much appreciated.Thanks.
Any advice would be much appreciated.Thanks.