I bought and planted a little delphinium yesterday... fortuitously, right next to a frog (who was lurking under a leaf). I've instructed him to eat any slugs or snails that approach; I'm fairly confident he understood...
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Something's eating my Delphinium!
AAAAarrrrrrrggh!! Why is it that when you look at any slug killer stuff, whatever it may be - there is always a GIANT CLOSE UP photo of a slug with the advert ?? I (fleeting) KNOW what slugs like, but only from a very quick glance - I cannot look nor touch them, slimey disgusting things. I do not need a photo of one stuck in my face thankyou !!!
Think of it as exposure therapy - take quick peeks at the slug in the photo, gradually increasing the time you spend looking, until you are able to gaze lovingly at it and blow it a kiss. Then move onto an ACTUAL slug... Just think, one day you'll be able to cradle them gently in your hands, give them special names, keep them as pets...
Demolitions are being eaten
My delphiniums have been growing well, almost two feet so far. The last couple of nights something has been eating the leaves as well as the buds. I thought it might be slugs or snails but there is no trail that they would normally leave behind. Can anyone help please.
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