I bought a clematis "The President" a few months ago to grow up a trellis to hide my bins. It wasn't doing too well, and looked bare, so I went out last week to buy an evergreen jasmine to grow instead.
My plan was to dig up the clematis and put it in a pot, and grow the jasmine in its place. However, the clematis is now shooting up and clinging on, so nwo it seems a shame to dig it up and thwart its growth. However, it's still not lush enough to screen off the bins.
I was wondering, is it possible to grow the two up one trellis?
Thanks in advance, O Gardening Gurus...
I bought a clematis "The President" a few months ago to grow up a trellis to hide my bins. It wasn't doing too well, and looked bare, so I went out last week to buy an evergreen jasmine to grow instead.
My plan was to dig up the clematis and put it in a pot, and grow the jasmine in its place. However, the clematis is now shooting up and clinging on, so nwo it seems a shame to dig it up and thwart its growth. However, it's still not lush enough to screen off the bins.
I was wondering, is it possible to grow the two up one trellis?
Thanks in advance, O Gardening Gurus...
