I've got a huge Pampas Grass in the chicken run that's perfect for any chooks who're getting bullied to hide in, and for them to shelter from the sun in. I really want to split it into 3 (1 for me, 1 for daughter and 1 for friend). What's the best way of going about doing this? Also, because the leaves are like razor blades, can anyone give me any hints about handling it so I don't get cut to shreds please?
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Pampas Grass - dividing it!
Hi Maureen, I think to divide a pampas grass you need to hire a JCB. The roots are the toughest imaginable. We had one we wanted to get rid of (it was a pretty poor specimen) and in the end we had to burn it out.
Maybe someone else has a better idea.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
I attacked mine with a fork and spade at the base and managed to pull out some shoots with root. I'd wear thick clothes over your arms and legs to prevent getting shredded. You could also cut the leaves right back to stop them cutting you.
ThanksI'd thought about cutting it right back before dividing it but it's the bloomin' leaves! I'll just have to hope for a cool day when I can go out covered up from head to foot in protective clothing I think
Just hope I can get all the bits I cut off into the brown council composting bin (there'll be too much for my heap and it'll take ages to rot down won't it)
My girls found their way into my heart and now they nest there
I've got one on the garden and it's a superb and very mature plant. Every early spring I cut it right down - with a chain saw - but totally covered up when I do it.
I've tried several times to dig bits out, managed a few this spring, used an old saw to make vertical cuts down through the growth and then used a pickaxe to dig out about a dozen of the green inner ring bits.
We're planning/planting out a large ornamental grasses garden atm, the only proviso is no more pampas tho some of the pink varieties are superb plants.
Good luck!TonyF, Dordogne 24220
Ah but I wanted to get rid of mine Hazel. So so finesse! I just hacked it up over a period of a week (because it was so tiring.)Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
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