I have 64 lavender cuttings currently in my plastic greenhouse. I have used rooting hormone. What kind of success rate can I expect?
Will they be big enough to make a low hedge next summer?
Can I leave them in the plastic greenhouse over the winter? Or, if they have rooted, can I just leave them in pots on the patio?
Incidentally, these are the first lavenders that I have used the correct cutting method with. A few months ago I had no awareness of how to do them correctly, so I just shoved 3 of the flower stems/spikes into compost and left them. They have somehow managed to root! And they are still in flower!
Will they be big enough to make a low hedge next summer?
Can I leave them in the plastic greenhouse over the winter? Or, if they have rooted, can I just leave them in pots on the patio?
Incidentally, these are the first lavenders that I have used the correct cutting method with. A few months ago I had no awareness of how to do them correctly, so I just shoved 3 of the flower stems/spikes into compost and left them. They have somehow managed to root! And they are still in flower!