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  • fuschias

    i have grown a standard fuschia what do i do over the winter to keep it going

  • #2
    If it's a hardy one, keep it outside.
    If it's a tender fuchsia, put it under cover
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      You don't say whether it is hardy or not brynley.

      Standard fuchsias are usually grown from half hardy plants. They are usually grown in pots or containers.

      If they are in pots, they need to be kept frost free and relatively dry during Winter. Let the leaves drop.

      In early Spring increase the watering. The natural habit will be to grow from the base. These growths need to be rubbed off (or taken as cuttings).

      When the sap rises, and the plant starts to shoot from the top, shape the plant, cutting back any dead wood.

      Fiddly, but well worthwhile



      • #4
        Top tip is to lay it down wrapped up as this helps the sap stay in the head, many standards die when the sap falls in winter and the head dies off, all you get is shoots at the base
        In spring spray with tepid water for a few days before you stand it up again.
        Last edited by flowerofshona; 10-12-2009, 04:03 PM.


        • #5
          Im growing fuschias the same species is in a pot and in the ground. The one is a barely rooted cutting and its doing fine. I usally forget about them but the one in the pot have some kind of weed growing around it would would provide cover from the frost
          Dont judge a plant by it's pot.


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