I have 2 bits of frontages
The first one is the proper front (the lawn needs cutting) and there's the usual side and front flowerbed. The front is edged with some lavender (to grow into a bush, now in 2nd year), the 3 bits by the door are some hebes and there's a fucshia tucked in the corner.
I was going to put some globe artichokes and have some spare sunflowers and some sweetpeas (not yet sown

Any ideas anyone? Ideally would love it be to low maintenance but colourful.
the other bit is also our front but it's edged by public footpaths so just needs to be tidy and not pretty, was thinking a wildflower type garden but heard they are hard to do. There are some bits in there from the last owner, there's a box (i think) hedge and some other bits.
If anyone can identify the random flowers here it would be a great help too.
Many thanks
