Normally I chuck in a few seeds around Easter weekend and if the weather is good they germinate- if it's bad, they hang on a bit.
I did exactly the same this year- but this time in Normandy rather than Cheshire- and I've lost about 1/3 to frost ( -3C for the past 2 nights).
They most certainly aren't hardy as far a I'm concerned. I'd love to find one which is though!
To me they are always a marker as to the end of summer- when my nasturtiums go slimey
Fortunately I've held back a few seeds to pop in my tubs when I pot them up. Plenty of time to start again!
I did exactly the same this year- but this time in Normandy rather than Cheshire- and I've lost about 1/3 to frost ( -3C for the past 2 nights).
They most certainly aren't hardy as far a I'm concerned. I'd love to find one which is though!
To me they are always a marker as to the end of summer- when my nasturtiums go slimey
Fortunately I've held back a few seeds to pop in my tubs when I pot them up. Plenty of time to start again!